Can I receive unemployment if I retired?

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Unemployment benefits and retirement

You eligibility depends on whether you retired by choice or were forced to retire. Examples of being forced to retire include:

  • The facility where you worked was closed
  • Your position was eliminated
  • The job has become too risky to your health and safety and the employer can’t find other suitable work for you
  • You believed you would lose your job if you rejected the employer’s retirement offer

If you were forced to retire, you are eligible for benefits if you meet standard eligibility requirements, such as being able and available for work.

If you were forced to retire and are receiving a pension, your employer’s contribution is deducted from your weekly benefit rate. Your weekly benefit rate is not affected by Social Security retirement benefits. 

If you voluntarily retired, you may be denied benefits until you return to work and earn wages equaling 40 times your weekly benefit rate and are otherwise eligible. 
