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Connecticut Career Resource Network (CCRN)

Read time: 6 minutes

The Connecticut Career Resource Network (CCRN) is the state counterpart of the federal Perkins Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN). PCRN offers career and technical programs of study, which may be adopted by local educational agencies and post-secondary institutions as an option to students (and their parents as appropriate) when planning for and completing future coursework.

The Connecticut Career Resource Network (CCRN) is a responsibility of the Connecticut Department of Labor, Office of Research, and is its primary means of reaching out to the education community: teachers, counselors, students, parents, and other individuals. Its objective is to acquaint users with resources that keep the education community connected to the workforce community and informed on issues relevant to career guidance and decision-making.

The CCRN's parent organization is Perkins Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN), an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Perkins IV authorizes the Department of Education to implement national activities to help states develop and implement effective career and technical education programs and accountability systems.

The goal of the CCRN is to promote improved career decision-making by students and other individuals, and to support life-long learning. This is accomplished by improving access to career and occupational information for individuals and those who assist those individuals. Information is provided through publications, workshops and conferences, web-based information systems, training, and marketing of career-related materials.

CCRN continues its major activities of producing the Connecticut Career Paths publication, sponsoring the Connecticut Learns and Works conferences, and keeping in touch with its audience through its newsletter, the CCRN Update. In addition, it promotes other national and state products and services such as the Real Game series, National Career Development Guidelines, career portfolios, and information systems such as the Connecticut Job and Career ConneCTion and the Connecticut Education and Training ConneCTion.

For more information about the Connecticut Career Resource Network and its activities, please contact:

Jessy George
CCRN Program Manager
Office of Research
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Blvd.
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: (860) 263-6267
Fax: (860) 263-6263

Labor Market Information for Students
Perkins Collaborative Resource Network (PCRN)
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