Waterbury American Job Center

Read time: 1 minutes

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Contact Information:
249 Thomaston Avenue, Waterbury, CT 06702

Main Telephone Number - (203) 437-3380
Office Fax Number - (203) 437-3290
Career Center Services/Workshop Schedules - (203) 437-3380
Business Engagement Unit - (203) 437- 3324 | Fax (203) 437-3290
TTY/TDD - (203) 437-3394

Special Services Auxiliary Aids and Services are available for individuals with disabilities.

Go in the Entrance driveway (one-way). Turn right to park at the front of the building. If no spaces are available, additional parking is provided at the sides and back of the building.

Make an appointment

American Job Centers

