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DAS Procurement Commodity-Industry Codes
When searching for business opportunities (current solicitations or contracts), DAS offers a field called “Industry Code”.
DAS Procurement Contract Template for Agencies
Through the authority delegated to executive branch state agencies under General Letter #71, certain purchases of goods and services costing less than $50,000 may be made without prior and specific approval of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) provided that a DAS contract does not exist for the goods and/or services being acquired.
A Programs and Services Overview of DAS Procurement
DAS Procurement Services is comprised of the following five programs.
DAS Procurement Agency Informational Resources
The DAS Procurement Division is charged with the purchase, lease or contract for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services required by any state agency. In carrying out these tasks, DAS administers contracts through fair, open, competitive sourcing processes.
DAS Procurement Agency Procurement Manual
The state government contracting process and procedures must be open, honest, fair and accessible at all times with competition being the backbone to the public procurement process.