DAS Procurement Agency Procurement Manual

What State Agencies Should Know Prior to Making a Purchase

The approach to purchasing in state government is different than in the private sector or purchasing on a personal basis.  The process, objectives, and public policy dictate how purchases can be made.

For most statewide needs for goods and services, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has established a state contract for State agency use by conducting an open, fair and competitive process. 

When an agency need arises, the purchaser must follow these procedures:
  • Search the CTsource Contract Board to determine if an active State Contract is in place. If there is an active state contract for your needs, you must use that contract to make your purchase.
  • If there is not an active State Contract and the estimated cost of your purchase is less than $200,000, agencies must follow the procedures outlined in General Letter #71.  
  • If there is not an active State Contract and the estimated cost of your purchase is more than $200,000, the agency must submit a contract requisition through Core-CT (Requisition Type of DAS-Bid) along with a description of the goods or services needed and DAS must conduct a public competitive bidding process and execute a contract on your behalf.
  • For Information Technology (IT) or Telecommunications contract requests, the DAS/Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS) also must conduct a technical review and approval.  DAS Procurement staff will validate that this BITS review has occurred prior to starting the competitive process.
  • When in doubt, call DAS Procurement at 860-713-5095.  The contracting staff are ready to help find or develop the right contract for agency needs.