DAS Procurement Agency Procurement Manual

Procurement Responsibility and Authority by Agency

  • Department of Administrative Services/Procurement Division  (DAS):  DAS is charged with the purchase and provision of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, as cited in C.G.S. 4a-51 and the purchasing, leasing and contracting for all information system and telecommunications system facilities, equipment and services as cited in C.G.S. 4d-8(a) for executive branch state agencies. DAS carries out these functions through the Procurement Services Division by establishing state contracts and administering a variety of other related functions for state agencies.
  • Department of Administrative Services/Construction Services (CS): CS is responsible for the purchase, sale, lease, sublease and acquisition of property and space to house state agencies and, subject to the provisions of section 4b-21, the sale or exchange of any land or interest in land belonging to the state; CS is also responsible for the administrative functions (contracting) of construction and planning of all capital improvements undertaken by the state, except highway and bridge construction, the construction and planning of capital improvements related to mass transit, marine and aviation transportation.
  • Department of Transportation (DOT):  (DOT) is responsible for the construction contracts associated with highways and bridges.
  • Office of Policy and Management (OPM):  
    • OPM establishes standards for Personal Service Agreements that state agencies enter into with personal service contractors and reviews the requests of agencies to enter into such agreements through the online PSA Request System.  OPM has shared published PSA Guidelines:
    • OPM also establishes contracting policies and procedures for obtaining, managing, and evaluating the quality and cost-effectiveness of health and human services that state agencies purchase from private providers and municipalities it also reviews the requests of agencies to enter into such Purchase of Service contracts through the online POS Request System. POS Overview
  • State Contracting Standards Board (SCSB):  This SCSB mission is to require that state contracting and procurement requirements are understood and carried out in a manner that is open, cost effective, efficient and consistent with State and Federal statutes, rules and regulations.  CGS Title 4e represents the State of Connecticut’s first attempt to create an integrated and uniform structure for contracting reform.  It establishes the Board as the central oversight and policy body for all state procurement.  For more information, go to the SCSB website.