Statewide HR LinkedIn Learning Program Continues to Grow

Read time: 6 minutes

In June 2021, Statewide Human Resources launched LinkedIn Learning for our in-scope State Executive Branch agencies, a cloud-based learning platform that offers modern and responsive courseware to help state employees with professional development, including skills, technical, business, and compliance training.  The platform also offers learning to help employees navigate changes brought about by COVID-19 and the new world of work and focuses on employee well-being and fostering inclusion in our workplace. 


Since its launch, Statewide Human Resources has rolled out the LinkedIn Learning program to 30 in-scope Executive Branch agencies, with only a few more agencies left to be implemented.


Because of the new norm of working from home, Statewide Human Resources has recommended courses like Hybrid Work and Employee Wellbeing courses, to help everyone navigate these changes.


The skills State employees are developing are:


  • Microsoft Teams

  • Lifelong Learning

  • Microsoft Excel

  • Diversity & Inclusion

  • Organizational Culture

  • Business Writing

  • Leadership

  • Project Management


A learning platform like LinkedIn Learning is front and center in career advancement and attracting and retaining talent.  With over 16,000 courses in its library, LinkedIn Learning can help our employees learn new skills and grow their careers.  


This is another advancement in modernizing our State workforce by providing a cloud platform with thousands of high-quality e-learning courses facilitated by experienced subject-matter experts across many industries.  Employees are empowered to drive their growth and development by accessing learner-centered content that can be flexibly structured and efficiently deliveredPreviously, learning was facilitated in-person and involved registration, reserving a training or conference room, and could require travel for employees.


As you can see the State of Connecticut is a great place to work. We continue to focus on educating our employees and encouraging professional development toward a rewarding career.

Government Innovation Human Resources