DAS Recognizes National Procurement Month 2024

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March is National Procurement Month! Public procurement is an essential role in government operations, supported by a dedicated, qualified staff to ensure taxpayer dollars are expended responsibly and efficiently.

The reach and impact of what Procurement professionals do is breathtaking…the ability to transform cities, impact health care systems, research energy sources, construct education facilities, improve transit systems, impact security, deliver technology solutions and so much more…it’s mindboggling when you think about it.

Over the past couple of years, the spotlight on public procurement continues to grow in light of natural disasters, the COVID pandemic, and the passage of recovery bills, like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Behind all of this is a need for complicated procurement tasks. And our DAS procurement professionals are up to the challenge.

Public procurement is starting to receive the appreciation and the attention it deserves, but we still have some work to do when it comes to showcasing how vital procurement and procurement professionals are to our state.

Procurement is also about opportunity, ensuring a fair and competitive process of obtaining goods and services on behalf of the public, and helping create opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses though the Supplier Diversity Program.

We want to recognize our state procurement professionals and thank them for their dedication to their profession.
