DAS applauds the passage of Senate bill 5255

Read time: 6 minutes

The passage of House Bill 5255 furthers the state’s goal of embracing modern business practices that result in a more efficient and flexible operation of government. We always seek to eliminate duplicative processes, while making sure we maintain key safeguards to protect our residents.


The bill eliminates a requirement that vendors sign a separate sworn affidavit representing whether a consulting agreement has been entered into in connection with the underlying contract for the purchase of goods or services over fifty thousand dollars with the state. The requirement that a sworn affidavit be signed can delay contract execution, particularly as the state increasingly embraces electronic processes. The bill moves the language previously included in that affidavit to a representation in the body of the contract.


In addition, the requirement is especially hard on Connecticut’s Small Businesses because these entities often do not have no-cost notary services readily available. Doing business with the State can sometimes require a lot of paperwork.  DAS, in line with the Lamont administration’s goals, is making every effort to eliminate, streamline and reduce paperwork in the contracting process wherever possible for all businesses in Connecticut.


This proposal is also consistent with previous actions made by the administration which similarly reduced paperwork associated with contracting and procurement requirements and streamlines processes for entities doing business with the state.

Government Innovation Legislation and Regulations Procurement Small Minority Business