Transportation Rural Improvement Program (TRIP)

Rural Transportation Capital Improvement Program

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The CTDOT Transportation Rural Improvement Grant Program, (TRIP) provides state funds to municipal governments for infrastructure improvements in rural areas of Connecticut. Activities may include transportation capital projects such as construction, modernization, or major repair of infrastructure.

General questions regarding the TRIP can be directed to

Below are program documents and helpful links to assist in applying for grants and navigating the project administration process. The CTDOT will evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the process over time and may make modifications to the guidelines as needed.

Application Period is OPEN

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will again be accepting application for the Transportation Rural Improvement Grant Program (TRIP) to fund municipal construction projects. This is the second time CTDOT has solicitated applications for this program to date. The TRIP is an infrastructure improvement program that provides construction funding for local capital improvement initiatives to improve the transportation infrastructure in rural communities. 

Projects funded through the TRIP will allow rural municipalities to perform small to medium scale capital improvements to address safety and accessibility primarily for a wide range of project types. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis and will range between $300,000 and $2,000,000.

Applications are expected to be available Friday, November 1, 2024, with an application submission deadline of 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 7, 2025. Applications must be submitted to CTDOT through the municipalities respective Council of Government. Each eligible municipality may submit only one application. To be considered for this solicitation, Municipalities that were previously awarded a grant under this program must have submitted, and received an approval of, their final project design submission package by the application deadline.   

Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Craig Babowicz

Transportation Supervising Planner

Phone: (860) 594-2158
