Regulatory and Compliance Unit


Currently our team, in conjunction with DMV, will be conducting Taxi, Livery and Bus registration transactions by EMAIL only. Our team members will have the details for you.

Please send an email with your registration request to,, and 

If you have a business need, our team will do our best to assist you in a reasonable time period. If you have a routine item, we can also serve you by email. Please review these INSTRUCTIONS for remote registration procedures.

Thank you from the Regulatory and Compliance team.

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Rose City Taxi LLC, certificate 1170
The owner of Rose City Taxi LLC, certificate 1170 asked for and received permission to permanently suspend their operations beginning 7/27/24. The certificate serves: Norwich, Bozrah, Franklin, Lisbon, Preston, and Sprague.

If you are a taxi customer that is affected by this suspension, please contact the Regulatory & Compliance Unit to be connected with another transportation provider authorized by CTDOT. Our contact info is at the bottom of the webpage.

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USA Taxi of Stamford, LLC certificate 1182
The CTDOT Hearing Officer suspended operations of USA Taxi of Stamford under Certificate 1182 as of November 1, 2023. The company and its drivers are no longer allowed to provide taxi transportation to the public, and all of their taxi plates shall be returned to CTDMV. USA Taxi of Stamford LLC ’s Taxi Certificate 1182 will be surrendered by the owner before November 21, 2023. In the event it is it not surrendered by November, 21, it will be automatically revoked on November 22, 2023 by CTDOT. Decision is posted HERE.

If you are a taxi customer that is affected by this suspension, please contact the Regulatory & Compliance Unit to be connected with another transportation provider authorized by CTDOT. Our contact info is at the bottom of the webpage.

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Horizon Cab Company, LLC, certificate 1169
The owner of Horizon Cab Company LLC, certificate 1169 asked for and received permission to suspend their operations from May 18, 2023 through May 19th, 2024 due to extreme hardship. The certificate serves: Hamden, New Haven, and West Haven.

If you are a taxi customer that is affected by this suspension, please contact the Regulatory & Compliance Unit to be connected with another transportation provider authorized by CTDOT. Our contact info is at the bottom of the webpage.

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Norwich Taxi, certificate 644
The owner of Norwich Taxi, certificate 644 has identified certain issues related to equipment and the management of the company. In order to address these issues, the owner has requested temporary suspension of the operation of Norwich Taxi.

The request was granted. Effective dates are 9/1/20 – 12/1/20. Veyo no longer contracts with Norwich Taxi and has obtained alternative service for its customers.

Recently, Norwich Taxi certificate 644 was revoked and the company is no longer in operation. If you are a taxi customer that is affected by this loss of taxi service, please contact the Regulatory & Compliance Unit to be connected with another transportation provider authorized by CTDOT. Our contact info is at the bottom of the webpage.

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For Customers who wish to cancel a vehicle registration
The Department of Motor Vehicles has provided this link to assist customers in cancelling active registrations and applying for a one-year fee refund (assuming none of the second-year portion was used.) Please follow the instructions at the link. If you wish to turn a plate in to us at the DOT, please email for assistance.

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For customers who require fingerprinting for a Criminal History report-For a multiyear update, or to file a new application

Effective July 12, 2021, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, (DESPP-HQ) Fingerprint Identification Unit launched a new system and created a new process for in person fingerprinting requests. You will need a digital code for pre-enrollment created by CTDOT. Please send an email to a License and Applications Analyst or License and Applications Specialist listed at the bottom of our webpage. Based upon a number of factors, we will provide you with a fingerprinting authorization code, called a “Service Code”, along with detailed instructions. You can enter your Service Code at this link:

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The Regulatory and Compliance Unit of the Bureau of Public Transportation oversees the regulation of livery operators, transportation network companies, taxicabs companies, moving companies, and motorbus companies.


Language Assistance / Translation Services and ADA Services

Meeting facilities at CTDOT are ADA accessible. In addition, language assistance / translation services for public hearings conducted at CTDOT may be requested by contacting the Department’s Language Assistance Call Line at (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting. Persons having a hearing and/or speech disability may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) and instruct the operator to contact (860) 594-2243. Language assistance and ADA services are provided at no cost to the public, and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.

Our staff at the Regulatory and Compliance unit proudly speak the following languages: English, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Office Hours

WE WILL HAVE ENHANCED CUSTOMER SERVICE DAYS AND HOURS BEGINNING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 5, 2015.  This is a permanent change to better assist you.   

For business that must be completed in person, the Unit's Days and Office Hours are now:

Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays

9:00 am - 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.

For more than four (4) transactions, please make an appointment by calling or emailing one of the License and Application Analysts listed at the bottom of our webpage.

**Important update to Insurance Documentation Requirements related to all Permit and Certificate Holders.**
Please read this memo regarding the ACORD Certificate of Insurance before visiting us for a transaction.


Taxi, livery and household goods carrier company complaints must be filed in writing; no complaints will be taken over the phone. 

Please use the Taxi, Livery or Household Goods Complaint Form (revised November 2022). This PDF form is fillable in the free version of Adobe Reader available at (see instructions below to save form).  Once completed, save again to retain a copy of the completed form to your computer for your records.  You may submit via email directly from the form or attach it to an email addressed to

Instructions for saving the above Complaint form:

Fillable PDF forms may be completed and saved using Adobe Acrobat Reader (this software must be loaded on your computer). To accomplish this you must first save the empty form on your own computer:

  1. Position your cursor on the form link and click with your right mouse button (do not activate the link and open the form).
  2. From the menu that pops up, select the Save target as… option in Internet Explorer or the Save link as… or similar option in another browser.
  3. You should then be prompted to choose a location to save the file.
  4. Select the location on your own computer or network and click on the Save button.
  5. Once saved, navigate to the file, open with Adobe Reader or a non-browser-based PDF viewer, and complete the form.


Use this convenient checklist to protect yourself when moving your household.

Your Rights And Responsibilities When You Move from the U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Household Goods Movers with a Certificate to operate from CTDOT

Special Power of Attorney:  Used in conjunction with all of the Applications below, where an Agent/Attorney-in-fact will be conducting business on behalf of a Principal.  Valid for use at CTDOT for two years from the date of execution.  General instructions provided.  Staff cannot answer legal questions related to this document; please consult your attorney or business manager for detailed advice if required.   This is the only Power of Attorney format that the Regulatory and Compliance Unit will accept for the application process.  Original must be presented and will be returned.

NOTE:  If you are conducting any automotive transaction such as registering a car or transferring a plate at the CT Department of Motor Vehicles, you will ALSO need the DMV-specific Power of Attorney. Go to the DMV Forms web page, scroll down for 'Special Power of Attorney', print it, and have it filled out completely for use at the DMV. They will not accept the DOT form.

To Revoke a Power of Attorney:  The two forms below must be filled out completely, notarized, and the originals submitted in person to the Regulatory and Compliance Unit. You must also provide copies to the Attorney–in-Fact and provide proof of delivery with your submission. Please call the information line for an appointment to coordinate the submission.

For customers who require fingerprinting for a Criminal History report-For a multiyear update, or to file a new application:  Effective July 12, 2021, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, (DESPP-HQ) Fingerprint Identification Unit launched a new system and created a new process for in person fingerprinting requests. You will need a digital code for pre-enrollment created by CTDOT. Please send an email to a License and Applications Analyst or License and Applications Specialist listed at the bottom of our webpage. Based upon a number of factors, we will provide you with a fingerprinting authorization code, called a “Service Code” , along with detailed instructions. You can enter your Service Code at this link:

TNC Registration:  New registrations or annual renewals for a Transportation Network Company must complete the form below.

Livery Applications:  All Livery Applications have been revised.  To speed the application process and avoid applications being returned because of missing or incomplete information, please read the Information Sheet included with each application for a summary of important facts and an explanation of the steps involved in completing the application process.     

Taxicab Applications:  All Taxicab Applications have been revised.  To speed the application process and avoid applications being returned because of missing or incomplete information, please read the Information Sheet included with each application for a summary of important facts and an explanation of the steps involved in completing the application process.

Please take note of changes to requirements for the colors of Taxi vehicles and Taxi roof signs. Taxi vehicles can remain the factory paint color. In addition, the roof sign regulations no longer require a hole in the roof for the power wire to pass inside the roof panel, nor that the roof sign be attached permanently; magnetically attached signs with the power wire on the outside of the vehicle are acceptable. Click for text details.

 Click for a photographic example of an installed magnetic sign. Note that company info graphics have not been installed on this vehicle.

Household Goods Carrier Applications:  All Household Goods Carrier Applications have been revised.  To speed the application process and avoid applications being returned because of missing or incomplete information, please read the Information Sheet included with each application for a summary of important facts and an explanation of the steps involved in completing the application process.

NOTE:  As of 1/2/2023, the Regulatory and Compliance unit will no longer approve a fuel surcharge as part of an HHG mover’s tariff.  In addition, if your tariff includes such a surcharge, you should contact a team member for guidance on submitting an updated tariff.  In addition, you may update your rates with a team member with a new tariff at any time to reflect costing differences.  Contact information is at the bottom of the webpage.   

Motorbus Applications:  All Motorbus Applications have been revised.  To speed the application process and avoid applications being returned because of missing or incomplete information, please read the Information Sheet included with each application for a summary of important facts and an explanation of the steps involved in completing the application process.     

   Taxicab Rates from Bradley International Airport

Taxicab rates from Bradley International Airport to every town in Connecticut (and to some major attractions) are regulated by CTDOT.

   Official Driver Taxi Trip Record Form

Official form for taxi drivers to complete for trips taken.

   Taxi Meter Rates by Town, for trips under 15 miles

Vehicles, Inspections, and Vehicle Equipment

   Pre-Purchase Inspections

   Livery Vehicles Are Exempt From DMV Window Tint Regulations

   Lettering Specifications for Bus-Type Vehicles

   Guidance for Inspection of Motorcoaches by CTDMV That Require Reciprocity Stickers

   Types of Vehicles That Require Inspections and Re-inspections

   CTDOT Vehicle Inspection Criteria for Livery and Motorbus Vehicles

This checklist provides what will be inspected for Livery and Motorbus vehicles.

   Mobility Aid Vehicle Inspection Guide

   Van Type Vehicles in Taxi Service

   Safety Equipment Guide

Under Connecticut General Statutes section 14-163c, the CTDMV requires that certain vehicles in interstate and intrastate commerce meet Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. You can find an explanation contained in CTDMV’s “Motor Carrier Handbook".

   Unified Carrier Registration for Interstate Motor Carriers - Please Read

Under Federal DOT regulations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires that the following class of vehicles be inspected YEARLY by a qualified commercial mechanic: 1) all vehicles over 18,000 pounds used in INTRASTATE livery or charter bus service, and 2) all vehicles over 10,000 pounds used in INTERSTATE livery or charter bus service and 3) all vehicles transporting MORE than eight (8) passengers including the driver for compensation in INTER or INTRASTATE livery or charter bus service. The annual inspection reports must be carried in the vehicle and produced as proof of compliance in the event of a roadside inspection.

Contact the FEDERAL DOT FMCSA regional office in Glastonbury, or the CTDMV Commercial Safety Division in Wethersfield for further guidance. Regulations for the annual inspection requirement can be found at Federal Code of Regulations 49 CFR 396. Specific criteria for the qualifications of the mechanic can be found at 49 CFR 396.17(d) or (e). Subpart G of the appendix gives the actual list of items required to be included in the inspection. The following link to 49 CFR Appendix G to subchapter B of chapter III sets out the Minimum Periodic Inspection Standards for the required yearly inspection. This link is not an FMCSA link and is provided for informational purposes:

Related Links and Information

R & C Administrative Decisions

Administrative Law Unit

Mileage Calculator (xls)

License and Application Supervisor

Valerie 860-594-2868



License and Application Specialist

Christopher 860-594-2875
Mario 860-594-2883



License and Application Analyst

Edward 860-594-2870


Public Transit Inspectors

Carlos 860-594-2871
Michael 860-594-2898




If you need assistance, please contact a team member listed above