#CTDOLDaily Videos

#CTDOLDaily video explainers began during the pandemic when Congress launched a bunch of new federal programs to help people who were suddenly unemployed. We tackle common unemployment filing issues and answer questions about the ReEmployCT system and other programs at CTDOL. Unemployment is a federal program that has to abide by both state and federal laws and it's complex so we hit many, but not all, topics. If you have an idea for a #CTDOLDaily, please send us an email: CTDOL.Communications@ct.gov.
Understanding Unemployment - Unemployment Benefits: A Video Guide

Unemployment Benefits: A Video Guide

Need help with your unemployment claim? Watch this video to learn about the CT Department of Labor Benefit Rights Interview (BRI) process for accurate unemployment insurance filing.

Understanding Unemployment: What does 'Issue on file' mean?

Understanding Unemployment: What does 'Issue on File' Mean?

What’s the issue when you see 'Issue on file'?

After you submit your unemployment claim, we perform verifications that are required by law. During these verifications, we may need to confirm information related to your application. If an issue is found, we will reach out to you for further information & clarification. 

Locked out? The Consumer Contact Center can help.

Understanding Unemployment: Locked Out?

Here’s a question we get a lot: I’m locked out. Now what?

Lock outs are part of ReEmployCT's security—if you enter info that doesn’t match what we have, the account locks to protect your benefits and prevent fraud. In most cases, you don’t have to wait for an agent to get you back into your account, though—fill out the lock out form and you can reset your password. 

Video - Understanding Unemployment: When Do I Get My Benefits?

Understanding Unemployment: When Do I Get My Benefits?

Here’s a question we get a lot: When do I get my benefits

After you submit your application for unemployment benefits, we do verifications that are required by law. This process takes at least 10 business days and is important for fraud protection