Office of the State Fire Marshal
Headshot of State Fire Marshal Lauri Volkert

About Connecticut's fire safety and prevention codes

Welcome to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM). Lauri Volkert is Connecticut’s State Fire Marshal. The OSFM oversees and promotes codes, standards, and regulations to reduce fires and related dangers.

Here, you will find information about:

  • The OSFM's role in fire prevention and safety codes
  • Resources for appeals, waivers, modifications, and exemptions
  • Ways to apply for and renew crane, hoisting, and other licenses
  • Fire safety and prevention code past and present resources

The adoption of new state fire safety and prevention codes is ongoing. Stay up to date by visiting the Code Adoption web page. You can also browse resources for crane operation and other licenses.

CT's building and fire code adoption process  

Fire safety code modification requests

Meet Our Partners

Curious about who adopts codes, reviews appeals, and trains our professionals? Learn about the groups and units that work to help prevent fires in our state.

CT State Police Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit 

Learn about how the CT State Police Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit (FEIU) helps keep Connecticut safe.

Examining Board for Crane Operators 

Learn about the background, members, minutes, laws, and meeting times.

Code Amendment Subcommittee 

Collaborates with OSFM to adopt new fire safety codes.

Codes and Standards Committee 

Works with OSFM and others to adopt new codes and review appeals.

Office of Education and Data Management 

Trains and accredits building code enforcement and fire officials.

Fire Prevention Code Advisory Committee 

Learn about code adoption, including the 2022 Fire Prevention Code.

Apply for licenses

Apply for crane operator license 

You can also apply for a Crane Operator license, registration, renewal, and re-testing.

Apply for hoisting equipment operator license 

Learn how to apply and register for a Hoisting Equipment Operator license.

Apply for CT demolition license 

Find out what you need, including fees and eligibility, to apply for a CT Demolition License.

Contact the DAS Office of the Fire Marshal

Department of Administrative Services location map