Education and Data Management

A person delivers a PowerPoint in a large room

OEDM Overview

The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) performs all credentialing responsibilities, including training, testing, and records maintenance, for the Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) and the Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM). As such, OEDM is responsible for training and accrediting building officials and fire officials and providing code-related instruction to individuals in the allied trade and design professions.

We work closely with OSBI and OSFM, educational and code organizations, building trade and professional associations, local utilities, government agencies, and the private sector to develop and teach timely and relevant training curricula. 

Become a building or fire official in CT

Individuals wishing to become licensed building officials or fire officials must pass qualifying examinations. These exams are developed and administered through the OEDM testing unit. Candidates may opt to sit for examinations directly, or they may apply for a seat in OEDM’s preparatory training programs that are offered in both content areas prior to taking them. These programs run from a single day to several months in length, depending on training class, material, and desired license or certification.

OEDM Resources

Training for Design and Trades Professionals

OEDM is responsible for providing code-related instruction to individuals in the allied trade and design professions.

Continuing Education

Once licensure or certification is earned, Building and Fire Officials are required by statute to earn continuing education credits to maintain accreditation. 

Code Training and Education Fees

OEDM collects the code training and education fees assessed on local building permits.
Image of woman in front of computer

Learning Management System

OEDM's learning management system (LMS) allows you to apply for credentialing training and career development opportunities, submit applications for outside credit, and track how many training hours you have earned.

For LMS support, contact

Visit the OEDM LMS  

Office of Education and Data Management Contact


450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 1306
Hartford, CT 06103

Tel: (860) 713-5522

Freedom of Information requests
Enter requests into our GovQA system.
