450 Columbus Boulevard Hartford CT 06103
Modifications and Exemptions
Connecticut State Building Code (CSBC)
The Connecticut State Building Code (CSBC) outlines safety rules for construction, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and energy systems.
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Creating and Managing the Connecticut State Building Code (CSBC)
The Codes and Standards Committee and Office of the State Building Inspector (OSBI) manage the State Building Code (SBC) regulations.
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Connecticut State Building Code’s Adoption Process
Understand the Connecticut State Building Code's adoption process, referencing model codes for construction and permit applications.
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History of the Connecticut State Building Code (CSBC)
Explore the comprehensive history of the Connecticut State Building Code (CSBC) since its inception in 1971. Track its amendments and changes.
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Model Codes
Learn how to obtain model codes for building regulations from publishers' websites or purchase them through designated sources.
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State Building Code Modification and Exemption Requests
Learn how to request modifications or exemptions to state building codes and fire safety codes via standard application forms reviewed by OSBI and OSFM.
State Building Codes Modifications and Exemptions