Disparity Study RFP issued by DAS

Read time: 6 minutes

Last month, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to secure a qualified vendor to facilitate an independent disparity study relative to the State of Connecticut’s contracting practices and procedures. Once selected, the vendor will work collaboratively with DAS and our partner agencies including the Office of Policy and Management and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.

Overall, the study will review state practices and conduct a quantitative analysis to determine whether women and minority-owned businesses are underutilized in state contracting compared to the actual impact and role of Small and Minority Businesses (SBE/MBE’s) in Connecticut’s economy. 

In order to make informed policy decisions about strengthening our state contracting programs, the study will also examine whether there are any unintentional institutional, procedural or financial barriers to state contracting by SBE/MBE’s.

For example, the DAS Supplier Diversity Program, also known as the Set-Aside Program, assists Connecticut SBE/MBEs in identifying business development opportunities. DAS also supports state agencies in meeting their annual SBE/MBE Set-Aside goal of 25%.

The diversity study will provide updated, and relevant information to better inform this program, programs like Construction Prequalification Program, other programs across State government, and contracting as a whole.

Qualified vendors interested in applying for this competitive RFP should do so by July 2nd. The RFP can be found here.

We look forward to the study’s outcome and the impact it will have on state procurement and the economy.

Equal Employment Opportunity Procurement Small Minority Business