DAS Participates in the 7th Annual CT Supplier Connection Supplier Summit and Matchmaker

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Profile Picture of Meg Yetishefsky
DAS Supplier Diversity Program Manager Meg Yetishefsky 

The 7th Annual CT Supplier Connection Growth Summit is a 2-day virtual event designed to specifically help the region’s small and diverse suppliers meet with large buyers and prime contractors in Connecticut and strengthen the local supply chain community and its ability to grow in a post-pandemic market. The centerpiece of the Supplier Connection Growth Summit is the Business Matchmaker. Suppliers have the opportunity to meet one-on-one (virtually) with buyers from some of the largest purchasing organizations in our area.

Day one of the event featured a keynote presentation on Supply Chain evolution by T.J. Niglio, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer of Pitney Bowes followed by an update on Connecticut’s manufacturing initiatives by Chief Innovation Officer for the State of Connecticut, Dan O’Keefe.

DAS had a strong showing at the event, starting with Meg Yetishefsky, Manager of Procurement Programs, when she moderated the Panel Discussion on Technical Assistance Resources for Small Businesses. Business organizations across our state offer a multitude of resources, including contracting support, and Meg and her team often refer suppliers to these supportive organizations.

Both days of the event included Matchmaking meetings where small and diverse companies met with Connecticut agencies and prime contractors. Our DAS contracting team interviewed several suppliers, giving businesses the opportunity to share high points on their products and services, in addition to learning about current opportunities. Meanwhile, our Business Outreach Team managed a virtual resource table for suppliers, providing guidance on our procurement programs including the Small/Minority-Owned Business Certification and Construction Contractor Prequalification. They also answered questions about CTsource registration and bid notifications.

DAS supported this event as part of our ongoing efforts to meet with the business community and educate about our programs and opportunities. We want to become Connecticut business’ customer of choice!

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