DAS Employee Spotlight Leslie Cote

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Picture of DAS' Leslie Cote

March is National Procurement Month! Public procurement is an essential role in government operations, supported by a dedicated, qualified staff to ensure taxpayer dollars are expended responsibly and efficiently.

We are highlighting some of our DAS procurement professionals this month in recognition of National Procurement Month.

Leslie Cote                           
IT Contract Team Leader 
Department of Administrative Services | Procurement Office

1. What do you do?

In my role as the IT Contract Team Leader, I support the Contract Specialists on the IT Team as well as the State Agency stakeholders in developing contracts to meet their needs. 

2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut? 

Working for the State of Connecticut is fulfilling in that it is meaningful work.  I love to help people and working for the State allows me to do challenging work that makes a difference in people’s lives. The work that Procurement does affects all citizens in Connecticut and allows us to give back to the community in a positive way. 

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is that every day is different.  We are often faced with challenges, and I love working with the team to find creative solutions to meet the needs of the State Agencies and citizens of the State.  I must admit that I love contracting. Ensuring that all business terms and legal protections are included in one document is something that I enjoy and find fulfilling.     

4. How did you get involved in Procurement work at DAS?

I was fortunate enough to come to DAS Procurement a year ago after spending fifteen years in Procurement at the University of Connecticut.  While working at the University was certainly rewarding work, I was looking for a bigger challenge and opportunity to serve the citizens of the State of Connecticut.  Upon my arrival at DAS, I was tasked with rebuilding the IT Contract team and with my phenomenal team, have doubled the size over the last year and am getting ready to triple it in the next couple of months.  DAS Procurement is a fantastic place to be!

5. What would you tell someone who is interested in working in Procurement or for the State of Connecticut? 

I would encourage anyone to work for the State of Connecticut and I must admit I do have a special place in my heart for Procurement.  Procurement contracting is challenging work that requires critical thinking skills, negotiation skills, superior communication skills and the ability to cultivate and manage relationships. Procurement at the State of Connecticut is rewarding work not only because of the opportunity to serve the community, but also because of the privilege of working with such knowledgeable and remarkable colleagues toward a common goal. 

6. How do you approach building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders?

I approach building and maintaining relationships with suppliers and stakeholders by listening first.  People want to be heard and it is critical that you actively listen, to successfully build and maintain relationships. Communication is the most important part of any relationship.  I always want suppliers and stakeholders to feel that they have my complete attention.  I enjoy working with suppliers and stakeholders to arrive at the best possible solution.

7. What has been your favorite procurement project so far?

My favorite procurements are the ones that are the most challenging.  I am a lifelong learner and enjoy taking on projects that are out of my comfort zone. Challenges make you think and allow for innovation. One of my favorite procurement projects is one that I managed for the purchase and installation of an MRI lab for research, which was something that I had never handled before. I was challenged to educate myself not only on MRI’s but also the construction portion of the lab and developed a “term sheet” to ensure that all business terms were considered.  That term sheet became an integral tool that Contract Specialists and stakeholder departments still use today.

8. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?

Having just returned from Nashville from a conference, I am fighting the urge to say Nashville!  It was a fantastic place to visit, however, of all the places I have visited, I do love New Hampshire!  My family and I always find ourselves returning to New Hampshire to one of the lake areas, beaches, or mountain areas.  Our family has many special memories of vacations in New Hampshire.

9. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?

If I could choose one superpower it would be to slow down time!  Time passes far too quickly.  It seems that there is never enough time in a day to accomplish what you want and time with family, friends and coworkers seems to pass in the snap of a finger. 

10. Who inspires you and why?

Great leaders inspire me.  Great leaders not only pave the road to success within your career, but also in all other parts of your life.  I have had the great fortune of having a couple of intelligent, empowering, and motivating leaders in my career who taught me values that I will carry with me throughout my life, and I hope to pass those values along to others every opportunity that I get. 

People who have faced adversity in their lives also inspire me.  I have watched people in my life face adversity with such courage and grace.  I have such admiration for people who can take an unpleasant situation, face it head-on, and make positive change, all with a smile and without a single complaint.

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