DAS Finalizes Purchase of CDECCA Plant

Read time: 6 minutes

On Friday, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) finalized the purchase of the Capitol District Energy Center Cogeneration Associates Energy Production Plant (CDECCA), which was authorized in this year’s budget implementer.  The plant was purchased from CDECCA Property Company, LLC for $7.25 million.


During the legislative session, Commissioner Gilman provided testimony in support of this effort. This purchase will permit the State to upgrade necessary equipment, resulting in reduced costs and increased efficiency for the State.


CAS is a state-owned thermal energy supply system. The CAS system has two closed-loop distribution systems (hot water and chilled water) and a pump house. The loop consists of over 3 miles of underground piping. Every day the CAS supplies hot and chilled water to ten state-owned buildings and five privately owned buildings in the Capitol District, including (but not limited to)


  • The Legislative Office Building

  • The Supreme Court

  • The State Office Building

  • The Armory

  • The Bushnell Performing Arts Center


DAS has looked at various options to make it economically feasible to provide heating and cooling to buildings within the distribution system and, after reviewing the available options, DAS has determined that the cheapest and most feasible option is to purchase the CDECCA plant and produce our own thermal energy.


DAS plans on moving all pumping operations to the CDECCA plant and upgrading the equipment to meet higher efficiency standards and converting the Capitol Avenue complex from a steam system to a hot water system. The state will also be able to explore other Energy Conservation Measures to improve the overall efficiency of the plant.


We’re excited about next steps and to move forward with this project that will provide more efficiency and cost savings for our state and our residents. 

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