DAS Construction Services - Summary of Environmental and Energy Services


The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Construction Services (CS) Environmental Planning and Energy Unit provides assistance on the following topics, as they relate to State Building Capital Construction Projects. 

  • Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA):

    Identify and evaluate the impacts of proposed state actions that may significantly affect the environment, providing DAS/CS with information necessary to decide whether to proceed with a project.

  • Environmental Reviews and Pre-Planning Studies:

    Assist Design Consultants with identifying required environmental permits, certifications, and approvals, and provide additional assistance for complex regulatory issues. Typical environmental permits include (but are not limited to) the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Flood Management Certification; General Permit for Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewater Associated with Construction Activities; and Natural Diversity Database Review Request; and the Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of the State Traffic Administration (OSTA) Administrative Decision and Major Traffic Generator Certificate.

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Support:

    Provide custom maps/figures and GIS analysis, including assisting in overall statewide facility planning efforts, project pre-planning, and identification of potential environmental impacts for proposed projects. The Environmental Planning Unit is in the process of creating a statewide inventory of state-owned property and facilities in a GIS database. Part of this effort involves collecting geographic features, such as property boundaries, building outlines, utility information, and environmental data. This information is used for various efforts, such as assisting in overall statewide facility planning efforts, project pre-planning, and identification of potential environmental impacts for proposed projects.

  • Environmental Site Assessments and Property Transfer:

    Coordinate environmental site assessments and investigations, precharacterize soil and groundwater, evaluate soil and groundwater contamination issues, manage emergency contaminated-material removal actions, and coordinate remediation activities. As necessary, coordinate with consultants, contractors, other DAS/CS Staff, and Client Agencies.

  • Underground Storage Tanks:

    Coordinate with consultants, contractors, DAS/CS Staff, and Client Agencies with respect to installation and removal of USTs on State Building Construction Projects. Maintain guidelines for the removal of USTs and the handling of contaminated materials.

    Ensure that all UST closures are performed in accordance with DEEP regulations and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulations. Ensure that all UST Closure Sampling, Closure Reports, and DEEP UST Notification Forms are complete, accurate, and submitted in accordance with DEEP requirements.

  • Sustainable Design and High Performance Building Requirements:

    Develop an information base and “best practices” regarding high performance or “green” buildings in consultation with other State Agencies, the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, the Connecticut Green Building Council, as well as design professionals and building contractors who will use the information to:

    Develop renewable energy projects at State facilities.

    Promote design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and the occupants of those buildings.

    Emphasize the positive effects of:
    1. Sustainable site planning
    2. Safeguarding water resources and ensuring water efficiency 
    3. Maximum feasible incorporation of energy efficiency and renewable energy
    4. Conservation of materials and earth resources
    5. Indoor environmental quality
  • Utility Design Assistance and Energy Rebates:
    Assist Design Consultants, Client Agencies, and DAS/CS Project Managers with obtaining Utility Design Assistance and Energy Rebates for up-grading energy systems and equipment.


