DAS Construction Services - Summary of Environmental and Energy Services


Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) and Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (R.C.S.A.):


Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA):

C.G.S. 22a-1a through 22a-1h

R.C.S.A. 22a-1a-1 through 22a-1a-12


Environmental Reviews and Pre-Planning Studies:

State and Federal Air Regulations


Environmental Site Assessments and Property Transfer:

C.G.S. 22a-133x

C.G.S. 22a-133y

C.G.S. 22a-134 through 22a-134e

R.C.S.A. 22a-133k-1 through -3

R.C.S.A. 22a-133q-1


Underground / Above Ground Storage Tanks:

C.G.S. 22a-449

R.C.S.A. 22a-449(d)


High Performance Buildings:

C.G.S. 16a-38k

R.C.S.A. 16a-38k-1 – 16a-38k-9


High Performance Buildings Energy Performance Compliance and the 2016 CT State Building Code

  • Subsection (b) of Connecticut General Statute (CGS) 16a-38k set an energy performance standard of 20% better than ASHRAE 90.1-2004.  This section is the authorizing section for the current High Performance Building Regulations - Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA) 16a-38k-1 through 16a-38k-9.  RCSA 16a-38k-3 (c) contains an energy performance requirement of 21% better than ASHRAE 90.1-2004 or the current State Building Code, whichever is more stringent.
  • The statute, CGS 16a-38k, was amended in 2014 (Public Act 14-94) to require revised regulations adopting the EPA Target Finder as the energy performance standard for High Performance Buildings.  This public act also added requirements for buildings that were not eligible building types in Target Finder.  That standard requires the more stringent of either exceeding ASHRAE 90.1-2007 by 20%, or adhering to the current State Building Code. 
  • Until the new regulations are adopted, DEEP and DAS have determined that compliance with the current State Building Code meets the intent of the statue as revised in 2014 and will be considered as compliance with the energy performance requirement of the High Performance Building Regulations.  This determination is based on the facts that 1) the current 2016 State Building Code incorporates the 2012 IECC/ ASHRAE 90.1-2010, 2) that PA 14-94 provides a revised energy performance requirement - 20% better than 90.1-2007 or compliance with the current State Building Code, 3) that 2012 IECC/ASHRAE 90.1-2010 provides for more than 20% greater efficiency than ASHRAE 90.1-2007, and 4) that compliance with the requirement in the current regulation - 21% better than current State Building Code is not practical.  