Human Resources
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Find a Listing of State Compensation Plans
Homepage for Core-CT, Connecticut state government’s integrated human resources, payroll, and financial system.
Core-CT Processing Aids and How to Process a Workers' Compensation Claim
The State of Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Program requires that each agency discharge claim processing functions within the Core-CT application.
DAS Small Agency Resource Team (SmART) Human Resources
The SmART Unit consolidates human resources and payroll personnel from multiple agencies under one roof.
To decide personnel appeals of state managers and confidential employees or groups of such employees, who are not included in any collective bargaining unit of state employees.
As a State of Connecticut employee you may be entitled to a host of benefits that are not only attractive, but also may be portable should your career bring you to other avenues of state service.
The Appendix lists all state job classifications which have been designated as covered under the hazardous duty provisions of the State Employees Retirement System.
Human Resources Business Rules and Regulations
Find information on Human Resources Statewide Policies, Notices, Forms and Manuals.
The Department of Administrative Services Learning & Development Team fosters the continuous growth and development of in-scope Executive Branch employees.
Locate a Doctor, Hospital, or Pharmacy in the Workers' Compensation Network
The State of Connecticut utilizes an approved managed care program for the delivery of medical services for injured State employees.
A database of class specifications used in the State of Connecticut’s Executive Branch. These are not job openings.
Find a List of Retirement Forms
For State Employees who have been affected by layoffs.
State of Connecticut Workers' Compensation Safety and Health Committees
The purpose of C.G.S. Section 31-40v is to specify rules for establishing and administering committees which will bring employers and employees together in a non-adversarial, cooperative and effective effort to promote safety and health at each work site.
Statewide Workers' Compensation Memoranda
DAS Workers' Compensation periodically distributes statewide memoranda on a variety of workers’ compensation topics.