Traffic Engineering Special Provisions
Traffic Signal | Rev'd | File Name |
Notice to Contractor - Traffic Signals | 04-24 | NTC-Traffic_Signals.docx |
Notice to Contractor - Traffic Signal Polycarbonate | 09-22 | NTC_Polycarbonate_Signal |
Notice to Contractor - Recent Revisions | 07-24 | NTC-Recent_Revisions.docx |
Notice to Contractor - Site Numbers | 04-24 | NTC-Site_Numbers.docx |
Notice to Contractor – Eversource Service Disconnect Switch | 02-24 | NTC-Eversource_Service_Disconnect_Switch.docx |
Section 1.05 - Control of Work - for PERMITS ONLY | 04-24 | 1.05-Control_of_Work.docx |
Section 1.06 - Control of Materials | 04-24 | 1.06-Control_of_Materials.docx |
Section 1.07 - Legal Relations & Responsibilities | 04-24 | 1.07-Legal_Relations_&_Responsibilities.doc |
Section 1.08.03 - Prosecution and Progress - Prosecution of Work | 08-24 | 1.08.03-Prosecution_and_Progress-Construction.doc |
Section 10.00 - General Clauses for Highways | 09-22 | 10.00-General_Clauses_for_Highway.doc |
0097773A – Spare Parts | 04-24 | 0097773A – Spare Parts.docx |
1015034A - Grounding and Bonding | 04-24 | 1015034A-Grounding_and_Bonding.docx |
1017019A – Wireless Radio Assembly | 04-24 | 1017019A – Wireless Radio Assembly.docx |
1017032A - Service (Metered) | 04-24 | 1017032A-Service_(Metered).docx |
1017109A – Service Disconnect Switch | 02-24 | 1017109A-Service_Disconnect_Switch.docx |
1002xxxA - Traffic Control Foundation – Span Pole, Mast Arm
1103xxxA - Steel Span Pole
1104xxxA - Steel Mast Arm Assembly
Contact the State Bridge Design Unit |
1105XXXA - X Way, X Section Signals Various MTD (Polycarbonate) | 09-22 | 1105XXXA-X_WAY_X_SECTION_SIGNALS_VARIOUS_MTD (POLYCARBONATE).docx |
1105503A - Flasher Cabinet | 04-14 | 1105503A-Flasher_Cabinet.doc |
110551xA - LED Traffic Signal Lamp Unit (Type) | 07-21 | 1105510A-LED_Traffic_Signal_Lamp_Unit_(Type).doc |
110600xA - Pedestrian Signal (Countdown) | 07-21 | 110600xA-Pedestrian_Signal_(Countdown).doc |
1107011A - Accessible Pedestrian Signal and Detector (Type A) | 01-21 | 1107011A-Accessible_Pedestrian_Signal_and_Detector_(Type A).doc |
1108110A – Traffic Signal Controller | 07-21 | 1108110A-Traffic_Signal_Controller.docx |
1108117A - Full Actuated Controller w/ Actuated Pedestrian Phase (16 Phase) | 07-21 | 1108117A-Full_Actuated_Controller_W-Actuated_Pedestrian_Phase-16_Phase.doc |
1108163A - Modify Existing Controller | 12-23 | 1108163A-Modify_Existing_Controller.doc |
1108207A - Install State Furnished Traffic Controller and Cabinet | 03-23 | 1108207A-Install_State_Furnished_Traffic_Controller_&_Cabinet.doc |
1108808A - Training | 04-17 | 1108808A-Training.docx |
11xxxxxA - Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption System (EVPS) - Optical, Generic | 06-14 | 11xxxxxA-EVPS-Optical-Generic.doc |
11xxxxxA - EVPS - Optical, Proprietary | 06-14 | 11xxxxxA-EVPS-Optical-Proprietary.doc |
11xxxxxA - EVPS - Audio, Generic | 08-03 | 11xxxxxA-EVPS-Audio-Generic.doc |
11112xxA - Temporary Detection (Sites 1-18) | 08-21 | 11112xxA-Temporary_Detection_(Sites_1-18).doc |
1111401A - Loop Vehicle Detector
1111451A - Loop Detector Sawcut
01-11 |
11114xxA-Loop_Veh Detector_&_Sawcut.doc |
1111401A - Loop Vehicle Detector (No Sawcut) | 03-09 | 1111401A-Loop_Veh_Detector.doc |
1111451A - Loop Detector Sawcut | 01-11 | 1111451A-Loop_Detector_Sawcut.doc |
1111471A - GPS Coordination Unit | 07-21 | 1111471A-GPS_Coordination_Unit.docx |
1111600A - Extension Bracket | 10-19 | 1111600A-Extension_Bracket.docx |
1112285A - Thermal Video Detector Assembly | 07-21 | 1112285A-Thermal_Video_Detector_Assembly.docx |
1112286A - 360 Video Detection System | 04-23 | 1112286A- 360_Video_Detection_System.docx |
1112288A - IP Video Detection Camera Assembly | 04-19 | 1112288A- IP_Video_Detection_Camera_Assembly.docx |
1113398A - Cable Closure (Type A) | 02-05 | 1113398A-Cable_Closure_(Type_A).doc |
1113431A - #16 AWG, 6 Twisted Pair, Communication Cable
1113434A - #16 AWG, 6 Twisted Pair, Figure 8 Comm. Cable
02-15 |
111343xA-Communication_Cables.doc |
1113506A - Relocate Interconnect Cable | 02-15 | 1113506A-Relocate_Interconnect_Cable.doc |
1113550A - Detector Cable (Optical) | 05-00 | 1113550A-Detector_Cable_(Optical).doc |
1113901A - Camera Cable | 10-19 | 1113901A-Camera_Cable.docx |
1114201A - Auxiliary Equipment Cabinet | 03-13 | 1114201A-Auxiliary_Equipment_Cabinet.doc |
1117101A - Alternate Flashing Signals for Warning Signs | 04-15 | 1117101A-Alt_Flashing_Signals_for_Warning_Signs.docx |
1117110A - Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Type A
1117111A - Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Type B
1117XXXA-Rectangular_Rapid_Flashing_Beacon_(RRFB)_-_Types_A-B.docx |
1118012A - Removal and/or Relocation of Traffic Signal Equipment - Projects | 01-24 |
1118012A - Removal and/or Relocation of Traffic Signal Equipment - Permits | 09-19 | 1118012A-Rem_andor_Rel_of_T_S_Equip-Per.doc |
11180xxA - Temporary Signalization (Sites 1-18) | 04-19 | 11180xxA-Temporary_Signalization_(Sites 1-18).doc |
11183xxA - Relocate Pre-Emption (Sites 1-10) | 01-15 | 11183xxA-Rel_Pre-Emption_System_(Sites 1-10).docx |
Traffic Construction | Rev'd | File Name |
Notice to Contractor - Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates for Signs | 03-18 | NTC_GPS_Coordinates_for_Signs.docx |
Notice to Contractor - Construction Signs | 02-23 | NTC-Construction_Signs.docx |
Article 1.08.04 - Prosecution and Progress - Limitation of Operations | 05-23 | 01_08_04-(Sample)_Prosecution_and_Progress.docx |
Section 8.22 - Temporary Traffic Barrier | 06-24 | 8_22-Temporary_Traffic_Barrier.docx |
Section 12.00 - Global Positioning System (GPS) Coordinates for Signs | 05-18 | Section_12.00_GPS_Coordinates.docx |
0407006A - Sinusoidal Centerline Rumble Strips | 06-23 | 0407006A-Sinusoidal_Centerline_Rumble_Strips.docx |
040631XA - 80 Mil Pavement Marking Groove | 10-21 | 040631XA-_80_Mil_Pavement_Marking_Groove.docx |
0952001A - Selective Clearing and Thinning | 07-23 | 0952001A-(Sample)_Selective_Clearing_&_Thinning.doc |
0971001A - Maintenance and Protection of Traffic | 11-23 | 0971001A-(Sample)_Maintenance__Protection_of_Traffic.doc |
0971001A - Traffic Control Plans and Typical Materials | 05-23 | 0971001A-Traffic_Control_Plans_& |
0979004A - Construction Barricade Detectable | 10-19 |
0979004A-Construction_Barricade_Detectable.docx |
0980020A - Construction Surveying | 03-23 | 0980020A-Construction_Surveying.docx |
1118101A - Temporary Signalization (to be used at unsignalized locations only) | 06-20 | 1118101A-Temporary_Signalization.doc |
1206023A - Removal and Relocation of Existing Signs | 01-12 | 1206023A-(Sample)_Removal__Relocation_of_Existing_Signs.doc |
1206025A - Removal and Relocation of Existing Overhead Signs | 07-24 | 1206025a-(Sample)_Removal_Relocation_of_Existing_Overhead_Signs.docx |
12070XXA - Sign Face - Extruded Aluminum (Type (Variable) Retroreflective Sheeting) | 11-21 | 12070XXA-Sign_Face-Extruded_Aluminum_(Type_(Variable)_Retroreflective_Sheeting).docx |
120893XA - Sign Face - Sheet Aluminum (Type (Variable) Retroreflective Sheeting) | 07-22 | 120893XA-Sign_Face-Sheet_Aluminum_(Type_(Variable)_Retroreflective_Sheeting).docx |
121011XA - Type I Epoxy Resin Pavement Markings | 12-22 | 121011XA_Type_I_Epoxy_Resin_Pavement_Markings.docx |
1220027A - Construction Signs | 09-24 | 1220027A-Construction_Signs.docx |
1806226A - Pre-Warning Vehicle | 05-23 | 1806226_Pre-Warning_Vehicle.docx |
For Further Information:
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Division of Traffic Engineering