Local Roads
Photos of Local Roads Projects
The Highway Design-Local Roads section is responsible for overseeing a variety of federal and state-funded improvements on town-owned roadways that are designed by municipal staff or consultants retained by the municipality.  During the design process we oversee coordination with external agencies and Department support units.  The Local Roads section oversees the formal design aspects of the following programs: STP-Urban, STP-Urban Pavement Preservation/Rehabilitation, STP-Rural Major Collector, Transportation Enhancements, Transportation Alternatives, Safe Routes to School (SRTS), Local Road Accident Reduction, Transportation, Community and System Preservation (TCSP), Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), and the Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP).

Transportation improvement projects may be performed under, but not limited to, the aforementioned programs.  Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Michael Cherpak, P.E.
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3155, FAX: (860) 594-3218
Email: Michael Cherpak




Local Roads Documents and Information


LOTCIP Documents and Forms
*NEW* Bicycle & Pedestrian Travel Needs Assessment Form  (fillable PDF form)
Surface Transportation Program Oversight Funding  (PDF, 24 KB)
US Army COE Application Checklist  (MS Word, 122 KB)
*NEW* Public Involvement Program Guidelines (updated 6/2020)  (PDF, 311 KB)
FHWA Form 1273-Required Contract Provisions for Federal-Aid Projects  (From FHWA Web Site, PDF, 220 KB)
Advertising Procedures for Municipally Advertised Projects
Contract Administration Checklist  (PDF, 41 KB)
Consultant Selection, Negotiation and Contract Monitoring Procedures for Municipally Administered Projects Revised 9/16  (PDF, 378 KB)
 2020 Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) Administrative Guidelines  (PDF, 1 MB)
 2022 Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) Administrative Guidelines (PDF, 2 MB)
*NEW* 2023 Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) Administrative Guidelines (PDF, 3 MB)


Reference Series: Locally Administered Transportation Projects in Connecticut


New FHWA Video Library!  The FHWA has announced the launch of a new and innovative transportation resource called Federal-aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies. This resource puts key information about Federal-aid requirements on a single public Web site at www.fhwa.dot.gov/federal-aidessentials. Local public agency staffers now have a centralized hub for guidance, policies, procedures, and best practices for administering Federal-aid projects. The Web site’s main feature is a library of videos covering key aspects of the project development and delivery process.


Programs Administered by Local Roads


Transportation Enhancement/Alternatives Program, Local Road Accident Reduction Program, TCSP Program

Contact: Devin Racicot, P.E. (860) 594-2735

STEAP Program, Safe Routes to Schools, High Priority Program, Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP)

Contact: Vitalij Staroverov, P.E. (860) 594-2582

Project Development Unit

Contact: Marissa Pfaffinger, P.E. (860) 594-3358


For information on STP-Urban project scopes and applications, please see the Project Development Unit.

For information on Local Bridge Program projects, please see the Local Bridge Program page.


Additional Information Links


FHWA Local Public Agency  (note: transfers to FHWA site)
Municipality Construction Manual  (PDF, 1.76 MB)
Construction Engineering and Inspection Information Pamphlet for Consultants  (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Construction Forms & Publications

