Fisheries Information and Publications

General    |   Freshwater   |   Marine  

Video Content

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CARE - Let's Go Fishing! -- This workbook is used for our beginning learn to fish classes

Fish Consumption Advisory -- Information on the Connecticut's Fish Consumption A and the safe eating of fish caught in Connecticut.

Annual Fish Stocking Report -- See how many fish were stocked in your favorite fishing spot!  Includes the number of fish stocked and the location.

Fishing Line Recycling Locations in Connecticut -- A list of inland and coastal locations where fishing line recycling receptacles are located.

Angler R3 Plan - A plan to Recruit, Retain, and Reactivate anglers to Connecticut's fishing community.

Increasing Angler Participation in Connecticut -- A summary of license sales and various recruitment, retention, and reactivation initiatives implemented from 2011-2016.

Casting for the Future -- A plan to increase participation in fishing.

General Articles Relating to Fisheries in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Busting the Myth about Sporting License Fees -- Setting the record straight on how your investment funds your passion.

Freshwater Angling in Connecticut and the Role of the Sport Fish Restoration Program -- How the act of fishing supports fishing.

The Big Ones that did not get Away -- CT's recognition of anglers through the Trophy Fish Award Program


General Freshwater Topics

A Fisheries Guide to Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut -- Features over 120 water bodies that were surveyed from 1987 through 2000.

A Pictorial Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut -- Features over 80 fish species found in Connecticut Waters.

A Fishery Survey of the Lakes and Ponds of Connecticut -- A 1959 publication of the Connecticut State Board of Fisheries and Game that features information on 154 lakes and ponds.

A Fishery Survey of Important Connecticut Lakes -- A 1939 publication of the Connecticut State Board of Fisheries and Game on fisheries management, limnology, the life histories of select fish species, and fish parasites.

Biennial Reports of the State Board of Fisheries and Game (1930-1959) -- A series of historical reports outlining the work and findings of the Connecticut State Board of Fisheries and Game from 1930-1959.

Interactive Atlas of Crayfish of Connecticut -- An interactive map showing the distribution of the nine species of crayfish observed though DEEP’s Fisheries and Water Quality Monitoring programs.  The application contains a map for each species, an overview of crayfish anatomy, key identification characteristics, and detailed photographs. Contact DEEP Fisheries at 860-424-3474 or email to contribute additional information.

Connecticut Crayfish Identification Chart -- A simple flowchart for identifying crayfish of Connecticut.

Freshwater Articles of General Topics in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Families that Fish Together, Eat Fish Together -- Tips and pointers to make your family fishing trip fun, relaxing, and tasty.

Selective Harvest -- How to help fish populations while also getting a sustainable and healthy meal.

Ice Fishing, Catching Memories You Will Not Release -- Tips and pointers for ice fishing with your family.

Putting Memories on Ice -- More tips and pointers for ice fishing with your family.

Fishing the Hard Water is a Hole New Adventure -- Tips and pointers for ice fishing CT waters.

The Best School Field Trip Ever: Learning to Fish -- An overview of how CT's CARE Learn to Fish Program inspires the next generation of anglers.

Opening the Door for the Next Generation of Anglers -- Several programs to encourage and support making fishing an activity of choice.

150 Years of Fisheries: Where Did We Come From and Where Are We Going? -- A brief description about the path of the Fisheries Division.

Qui Transtulit Sustinet -- CT has a long history of introducing fish for recreational fishing.

Inland Fisheries: Never Better -- A look back at how some of our Fisheries became established.

Resolve to Fish for Something New in 2017 -- Highlighting some of CT's fisheries worth a cast.

CT's Crayfish, Surprisingly Diverse -- Take a look at the nine species of crayfish found here in CT.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -- The Knobfin Sculpin Invades the Pomperaug River

Don't Get Snotty -- Information about the invasive algae termed "Rock Snot".

Zebra Mussels in Western Connecticut -- Information about this infamous invasive species.

Zebra Mussels Confirmed in Lake Housatonic -- Early information about Zebra Mussel spread in the Housatonic River basin.

Winter Drawdown Effects on Lake Ecosystems -- A common practice that may have unintended consequences.

Warmwater (Bass, Pike, Walleye, Channel Catfish and Friends)

Bass Management Lakes Brochure and Plan

Warmwater Fisheries Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Electrofishing: A Shocking Way to Sample Fish Populations -- Fisheries biologists use electricity as a non-lethal method to keep tabs on populations

Changes and Challenges: The History of Bass Management in CT -- How have fisheries managers tackled improving bass fishing?

Project Thunder Bass: Improving Bass Fishing -- Can bass learn not to be caught?

If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them -- CT's state record Northern Pike caught in 2020.

Summer Panfish Primer -- All you need to know about these super common and easy to catch fish.

Esox, My What Big Teeth You Have -- About CT's pike and pickerel species.

Meet the Waterwolf -- Pike management in CT involves rearing fish in a series of marshes.

Walleye Abound in CT Waters -- About CT's Walleye management efforts.

Channel Catfish Three Ways -- Catfish Management Lakes, Community Fishing Waters, and the Connecticut River

No Bull - Maybe a Cat -- About CT's catfish and bullhead species.

Warmouth - A Recently Established Freshwater Sunfish -- Learn about an introduced species of sunfish.

Pumpkinseed Sunfish: Functional and Beautiful -- All about one of CT's most colorful native fish.

Common Carp: A Huge and Challenging Catch -- CT's largest minnow is not bait but a worthy opponent.

Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation Control by Weed-Eating Carp -- Information about using Grass Carp to control aquatic vegetation.

Connecticut River 

Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

The Quinetucket - One of CT's Best Kept Fishing Secrets -- The many outstanding fishing opportunities down the center of the state.

Historic Fisheries in CT - Atlantic Sturgeon -- The history of this monster fish in the CT and Long Island Sound.

Atlantic Sturgeon of the CT River -- All about these amazing fish.

Keeping Track of CT's Endangered Sturgeon -- How biologists are monitoring these unique fish.

Connecticut's "Prehistoric" Fish -- More about sturgeon in CT.

Bowfin in CT: A Nuisance or Opportunity? -- Bowfin have become established in the CT River - for good or for bad.

Migratory Fish (Shad, Herring, Eels, and Lamprey)

Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Why Did the Fish Cross the Stream -- The fascinating details about some of CT's fish who like to travel.

American Eel: Getting Here is Only Half the Battle -- Eel are an amazing fish who love to migrate to and from the sea.

Providing "Fish Friendly Passage" at Stream Crossings -- Many road crossings over streams form a barrier to fish migration.

Restoring River Herring Runs in Connecticut -- The Fisheries Division's efforts to restore these important spring runs.

Fishways: Providing Access to Critical Habitat -- How removing barriers to fish migration is critical for their future.

Coldwater (Trout, Salmon, and Friends)

Statewide Salmonid Action Plan

Trout and Salmon Stamp Brochure

Among Headwaters Conservation Genetics of Brook Trout:  Occurrence of Meta-Populations and Landscape Scale Fragmentation

Screening for Gill Lice on Connecticut's Wild Brook Trout

Trout Management Areas Brochure and Plan 

Coldwater Fisheries Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Connecticut Lakers -- CT's Stocking of Lake Trout in 2020.

Monitoring the Pulse of River and Stream Fish Communities -- Keeping tabs on the status of fish communities is an important element of our mission.

The More Things Change, the More they Change -- How CT's wild Brook Trout have faired over 30 years.

Aphrodite of the Hemlocks -- Brook Trout are CT's only native trout.

Bringing Back the Natives -- Brook Trout restoration effort on Deep Brook following several spills.

Blue Ribbon Brown Trout and Drinking Water - Strange Redd Fellows -- How drinking water has created one of the best fisheries in the East.

Survivor Browns - The Farmington River's Special Strain -- For several decades the Fisheries Division has selected only the best Brown Trout.

Filling a Niche: CT's Brown Trout Fry Stocking Program -- Some waters cannot produce wild trout, but stocking fry is the next best thing.

Some Like it Cold -- History of Trout Management in CT.

CT DEEP's Origins Linked to Early Effort to Restore Atlantic Salmon -- Restoring Atlantic Salmon was one of the first charges of the Fisheries Division (1866).

An Update on Atlantic Salmon -- After decades of restoration effort, time has expired.

Opening Day of Trout Season: Several Years in the Making -- Stocking fish each year is a task planned out months in advance.

From Hatchery to Stream: Trout Stocking for Opening Day -- Detailing how 500,000+ trout are stocked each year.

Burlington State Fish Hatchery: 95 Generations of Fish and Counting -- Burlington Fish Hatchery is our oldest fish rearing facility.

Kensington State Fish Hatchery -- Kensington is our second oldest fish rearing facility.

Do Not Call Me Dace -- Many call this species "Dace" but a Fallfish in not a dace.

Ubiquitously Common: The Blacknose Dace -- One of CT most commonly found stream fish.

Destination Angling in Your Own Backyard -- CT's Atlantic Salmon management areas provide an opportunity not found for miles around.

Kokanee Salmon: AKA the Red Salmon -- CT has fostered this unique landlock Kokanee fishery for decades.

American Brook Lamprey: A Reclusive Coldwater Fish -- One of CT's most secretive and rare fish.


2023 Long Island Sound Trawl Survey
A vital tool Marine Fisheries staff uses to measure the abundance and distribution of finfish, squid, and other macro-invertebrates (lobster, crabs, horseshoe crabs, whelks) in Long Island Sound, independent of commercial or recreational fishing.

Striped Bass Management Plan 
The latest document regarding Amendment 6 of the ASMFC Fisheries Management Plan for striped bass.

Marine Fisheries Trophy Fish Award Program Summary
See how many trophy saltwater fish were caught in your favorite marine fishing spot!  Includes the number of awards by each species along with new state records.

2007 Eelgrass Report
An assessment of the impacts of commercial and recreational fishing and other activities to eelgrass in Connecticut’s waters and recommendations for management. Submitted in response to Public Act 01-115.

Marine Fisheries Information Circular
Information on Connecticut's statutes and regulations governing the taking of lobsters, marine and anadromous finfish, and crabs by commercial and recreational fishermen.

Marine Fisheries Interstate Management
Collect fishery dependent statistics from harvesters and dealers on catch, harvest, fishing effort by gear type and season; compile and analyze the data to provide information for quota monitoring, stock assessment, and development and evaluation of Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) and management measures.

A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut See below for the latest Annual Performance Reports for the Marine Fisheries Recreational Fisheries Projects.

2022 A Study of Marine Recreation Fisheries in Connecticut (full report)

2021 A Study of Marine Recreation Fisheries in Connecticut (full report)

2020 A Study of Marine Recreation Fisheries in Connecticut

2019 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2018 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2017 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2016 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2015 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2014 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2013 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut

2012 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut 

2011 A Study of Marine Recreational Fisheries in Connecticut 

2010 Marine Fisheries Survey Report Executive Summary

2009 Marine Fisheries Survey Report

2008 Marine Fisheries Survey Report

2007 Marine Fisheries Survey Report

2006 Marine Fisheries Survey Report

Lobster Information

The latest Disaster Relief Report summarizing the results of the lobster assessment and monitoring project from 2001 to 2005.
Spring 2005 Disaster Relief Report

The initial report on the widespread lobster die-off that occurred during 1998-1999.
1999 Lobster Mortality Report


Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Recreational Marine Angler Data -- How you can help us to improve fishing.

CT Commercial Fishing Industry: Then and Now -- About CT's commercial fishing and how it has changed over time.

Celebrating a Long History of Resource Protection -- How Long Island Sound has been managed over time.

Mapping Changes in Coastal Fisheries Abundance -- See how DEEP is keeping tabs on the fishes of Long Island Sound.

What Is Behind those Minimum Sizes -- How size limits help to sustain our fisheries.

How Bad Is BADD - Assessing the Biological Effect of Hypoxia -- Understanding the areas of Long Island Sound that lack oxygen.

Shore-Based Fishing Just Got Better -- Enhanced shoreline opportunity sites make catching a meal easier than ever.

A New Weed in our Garden -- Introducing a new species of red algae for Long Island Sound.

Long Island Sound: Then and Now -- The DEEP trawl survey documents Long Island Sound's fish communities.

Long Island Sound - Our Biological Super Highway -- This waterbody gets a lot of use each summer.

Mapping the Wildlife Action Plan to Marine Waters -- Marine fish data is used to help plan for the future.

More Summer Sojourners in the Sound -- As the water temperature in the sound changes, so does some of the fish we find.

The Sound's Fall Feast -- The summer productivity within Long Island Sound, drives the fall migration of many species.

Climate Change and the American Lobster -- See how the environment has changed lobster habitat.

Skates and Rays - Fish with Wings -- Flying through the water are the skates and rays of Long Island Sound.

Eight Ways to Be Flat -- All about being a flatfish in Long Island Sound.

Squid: One of Long Island Sound's Stealth Species -- Fun and interesting facts about squid.

CT's Reef Fish Gets Special Attention -- Blackfish (AKA Tautog) are an interesting fish.

Tautog: Long Island Sound's Reef Mavin -- The blackfish (aka tautog) is a popular fall fishing species.

Get the Facts on Jellyfish -- About these interesting creatures found in Long Island Sound.

Striped Bass: A Connecticut Comeback Story -- Striped Bass populations fluctuate over time. For  the latest on Striped Bass click here.

The Menagerie at the Beach -- Seining for fish along CT's shoreline.

Connecticut River Seine Survey Provides Long-Term Data -- Seining the CT River shoreline helps to understand fish populations.

One Fish, Two Fish, How Do You Know How Many Fish There Are? -- The DEEP Marine Trawl Survey project keeps count of fish populations.


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Content last updated in March 2025.