two individuals talking at work

Find the right program for you

The Connecticut Employment and Day Services division was created in 2018. We work with individuals, families, providers, and community partners to prepare you or your family member for a successful career. Learn more about the Employment & Day Service Pathways here (Spanish).

We can also connect you with qualified adult service providers for Day Services, or help guide you through self-directing your own supports.


Pictured is Lisa Ellis, a lifeguard and swim instructor at the YMCA in Fairfield, CT, standing in a swimming pool,

Find a job

DDS helps people with disabilities find jobs based on their interests, skills, and abilities. Supported employment includes:

  • Real jobs with real wages
  • Building relationships with coworkers
  • A transition from a school setting to Day Services
  • Settings at home and in the community
  • Ongoing support and supervision

Pictured is Lisa Ellis, a lifeguard and swim instructor at the YMCA in Fairfield, CT.

Opportunities in your community

Types of Employment

Watch the Employment Video >
Watch STEP Video Series: Project SEARCH >

Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)

Employment at minimum wage or higher, in a fully integrated setting. Job coaching support if needed based upon Level of Need (LON) score allocation.

Individualized Supported Employment (ISE) - Brochure

Employment specialist (job coach) helps you find competitive employment through a job discovery process, provides training and support, and then gradually reduces time and assistance at the worksite.

Customized Employment (CE) - Brochure

Alternative method of finding competitive integrated employment, highly structured, focusing on your strengths, skills, and abilities and the unmet needs of employers.

Group Supported Employment (GSE) - Brochure

Supported employment in a competitive employment environment where you and a group of participants are working at a particular work setting under the supervision of a permanent employment specialist. These services can lead to Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) and can include Career Planning - an active ongoing process that includes a variety of activities to help you match your abilities, interests, values, and personality with demands of the real world of work.

Self-Employment/Entrepreneurship - Brochure

An outcome achieved with supports and services that help the participant (1) identify potential career opportunities (2) identify necessary supports, including training and supervision for self-employment and entrepreneurial outcomes.
Learn more about the DDS Innovative Employment Opportunity (IEO) Grants

Employment First

At DDS, Employment First means commitment to ensuring that individuals who identify employment as their first and preferred option have support accessing community-based integrated employment and services.  The department’s initiative ensures that employment is part of the conversation when individuals and their family are planning for the future.  



young girl with syndrome down uses computer at library

Prepare for a job

Pre-employment services are community-based, occupational services provided for up to three years (with some exceptions). Pre-employment activities might include:

  • Unpaid career exploration
  • Financial management
  • Networking and skill-building
  • Health and fitness activities that lead to better employment outcomes.

Support while you get ready for employment

Types of Pre-Employment

Employment Transition Services (ETS)* - Brochure

Community-based, occupational service that is time limited up to 3 years (with some exceptions). Activities should occur in integrated settings and may include unpaid career exploration, financial management, networking, building skills leading to employment and health and fitness activities that lead to better employment outcomes. *(Currently Transitional Employment Services, name change pending)

Project Search - Brochure

Nine-month internship training program available to school transition age students and young adults eligible for DDS services, who need more intensive employment skills training.

Day services

women cherishing

Find a day service

Day services help you or your family member spend supervised, productive time outside of your home. Day services might incorporate:

  • Social activities and recreation
  • Life skills training
  • Transportation
  • Meal preparation
  • Health and medical services

There are many adult service providers in Connecticut. You can explore a variety to find the right fit. DDS funding is transferrable, so you can switch providers or hire your own staff, too. We can help you work within your budget to choose your service providers.

Day services in your community

Types of day services

Types of Day Services
  • Group Day Supports (DSO)
  • Group day services that take place in the home, facility, or community.
Individualized Day Supports (IDS) - Vocational (IDV)

An individualized day service to help you access, maintain, or return to employment. Services may start in your home, within the community, or with a community partner. This service is not delivered in or from a facility-based program. Service provides hours based upon LON score allocation.

Individualized Day Supports (IDS) Non – Vocational (IDN)

An individualized day service centered around community participation and/or meaningful retirement activities. Services may start in your home, within the community, or with a community partner. This service is not delivered in or from a facility-based program. Service provides hours based upon LON score allocation.

Senior Supports

Pre- retirement service is designed to prevent isolation, assist in maintaining skills, and stimulate social interaction with others.



Report Abuse and Neglect

Report Abuse and Neglect

Report suspected abuse or neglect of any individual with an intellectual disability.



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To contact the State of Connecticut, Department of Developmental Services, either email us or give us a call:

Phone: 860-418-6000

Toll-Free: 866-737-0330

TD: 860-418-6079

Email: ddsct.co@ct.gov