Individuals and families

Support programs

Talking about support Programs

Find the support you need

DDS helps people live, learn, work, and enjoy life in their communities. You’ll see that we have many programs, services, and resources for you or a loved one and your support team.

Key resources

Assistive technology and remote supports 

Get technology and information to support your independence, productivity, and quality of life.

Charting the life course 

Create a picture of a good life and how to make it happen.

Employment and day services 

Learn about job services and day supports.

Family connections 

Connect with other parents, families, and caregivers for support and to learn more about how we help.

Find a provider 

Look for support providers approved by the Department of Developmental Services.


Discover residential services available in the community.

Self Advocacy  

Learn about standing up for your rights as a person.

Self Determination 

Get resources for choosing the support you want.


Find important information and resources.