How can I find the right job?
DDS helps people with disabilities find jobs based on their interests, skills, and abilities. Supported employment includes:
Real jobs with real wages
A transition from a school setting to Day Services
Settings at home and in the community
For more information about DDS Employment and Day Services, visit our EDS page.
As an Employer, how can I support DDS individuals with Employment?
DDS helps employers with resources and information to support individuals with employment. Below are resources that can be used for the seeking, onboarding and on-the-job support for individuals obtaining employment at your business.
- Why hire brochure- Find information on the benefits of hiring individuals as well as a QR code to pledge your commitment to hiring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Supporting Employers to create inclusive work environments- Find information on how DDS can partner with your business to create opportunities for individuals to gain and sustain competitive integrated employment.
- Consult form- Please fill out this link to submit a request to consult with a member(s) of the DDS EDS team to discuss best practices for employing DDS supported individuals.