State Surplus Property Auctions for Non-Profits to Claim

How To

Register to Claim Relisted Property:
  1. Fill out the State Surplus Program App for Non-Profits (excel).
  2. Email the completed application and your 501(c)3 to the DAS Surplus Team.  You will receive a confirmation email with specific instructions needed to register at Public Surplus as a non-profit.
  3. When you receive that email, use the attached instructions and specified link to get to the special registration page (it will say 'state employees' are in the right spot).
  4. Follow instructions to fill out all of the information and confirm registration.

View and Claim Relisted Property: 

  1. Log in to Public Surplus
  2. On the home page, go to ‘Browse Auctions Within Area’

        a. Go to 'Select Region' 
        b. Use the drop down arrow to choose 'Connecticut'

  3. Next, go to 'Select Agency'
        a. Use the drop down arrow to choose 'State of Connecticut'
  4. A hyperlink will now appear below that which says 'View All Auctions for State of CT'
        a. Press the hyperlink to go to that page.
  5. Once on the State of CT page, you can look at auctions in 2 different ways.

        a. Use the drop down to select 'Internal Auctions Only'.  Anything that comes up is available for
             you to claim for free.
        b. Manually scroll through the list and look for any auctions with a yellow key next to them.  This
             signifies it is an ‘Internal Auction’ and available for reallocation. Items without a key are up for
             auction by bidding.

  6. Review these auctions and if you find something your agency can use, click on the auction title and review the auction details.
  7. Please note that you will be required to pick up from the pickup location, and pickups are required within a reasonable timeframe (generally within a week of claiming the item(s)).
  8. In the ‘Purchase Item’ section (left side of the page), click ‘Submit’ and then confirm your password to finalize the claim.
  9. If the auction is listed as a Dutch auction you will also have to put in the quantity you would like to claim.
  10. Your claim is not final until you get a message on the screen congratulating you on your purchase.

Obtain the Property you have Claimed:

  1. If your claim has been accepted, you will receive a notification from Public Surplus informing you that your claim has been accepted and confirming the property you have purchased.
  2. You are responsible for contacting the Agency Contact listed on the claim site to make pickup arrangements.
  3. Pickups must be scheduled within 5 business days of a claim.  If you do not show up for your pickup appointment and do not call to reschedule before that, you will forfeit your auction.
  4. When you pickup, bring the Bill of Sale and your ID to your assigned pickup location and the specified date and time.   If you are sending someone else to pick up your auction, you must email the agency contact a letter of authorization stating the name of the individual.
  5.  You may inspect the item before signing the Bill of Sale.
  6. If you decide to keep the item, please sign the Bill of Sale.  Your ID will be scanned with along with the Bill of Sale for our records.  If you choose not to take the item, please write a note on the Bill of Sale stating why you do not want it.
  7. Claimed property may not be returned.  These auctions are “as is” and “where is”, and there are no warrantees or guarantees on the property.