State Surplus Computers, Laptops & Hard Drives – State Agency Procedures to Surplus

How To

Surplus/Reallocate State of CT Surplus Computers, Laptops & Hard Drives Surplus computers, laptops and hard drives are those items with life left in them.  Items that are considered 'obsolete' by State Agencies may still be useful to non-profits, so as long as these items work, even if they do not have a hard drive, they should be put on as Surplus for potential reallocation.

Please note:  The steps below will look familiar to anyone who has posted on the Public Surplus website.  The difference is how the specific items are recorded, and who can claim them. 

Get Started
  1. Fill out the Surplus of Computer-Laptop-Hard Drive form.  Follow the instructions on the top of the form. 
    a.  For Surplus (useable) computers, laptops and hard drives, enter only one (1) make and model on each form/auction. 
    b.  For more than one (1) computer in the auction, list as a Dutch Auction, to allow agencies/organizations the option to choose only the number of items needed.
Once the form is complete, proceed to Public Surplus to enter the auction. 

BEST PRACTICE:  Copying an Auction

To reduce chance of errors, Best Practice is to 'Copy' an existing agency auction (either in 'Current' or 'Closed', ensuring the DAS Surplus Program staff have approved it).  Clean auctions are released faster.


  1. Locate the auction to copy.  DAS Surplus staff adds a disclaimer to each auction description, which is a summary of the Terms and Conditions.  Do not delete this summary when revising the auction.
  2. Open the auction.  
  3. On the right side, choose the option to [Copy Item] and the same auction will populate.  
  4. Go through the auction and make any needed changes (generally, Title and top of Description) for the new auction.
  5. When all changes are made, click ‘Copy’ (instead of clicking ‘Save’).  
  6. A new auction number will be generated.


Create an Auction from the Beginning: 

A. Access the Auction Creation Page

  1. Log in to Public Surplus with your state username and password.
  2. Click the "Auctions" link on the toolbar in the upper right section of the page.
  3. A toolbar will appear below the main toolbar. Click the ‘Sell’ tab. A blank auction creation page will populate. Create the auction by completing each section. Notes:  each section has a blue header with a question mark icon PS Icon - Help Question Mark. Clicking on the icon opens the "help" information for that section.
  4. Follow the instructions below to complete each section.

B. Internal Reallocation Section

  • Internal Reallocation = 4 Days and $0.00
  • Municipalities = 4 Days and $50.00
  • Non-Profits = 4 Days and $0.00

C. Public Auction Duration Section

  • Time Frame = Not for Public Auction
  • End Time - All auctions will have an end time of 8:00pm.

D. Category Section

From the drop down box, select the category best matching the auction.  If a subcategory doesn't fit, use the main category and choose GENERAL as your sub-category. Ex.:  Computer - PC

E. Content Section

  1. Title -  The auction title is important when running reports.  The title should reflect what the item is, followed by limited details. Anything being auctioned will either be a single (1), or a Dutch Auction (one auction with multiple of the same item available).  Single items do not need a number in the title.
    - Example 1: Laptop - Dell 
    - Example 2: Laptops - Dell ~ 5 ~ Dutch Auction
  2. Template
    - N/A
  3. General Description
    - Provide as detailed a description of the item(s) as possible to give buyers a clear idea of the item.  When applicable, use format below:
    - Make:
    - Model:
    - S/N:
    - See Attached for complete details.

    - Always include the following standard DAS disclaimer:   
    ***Buyers MUST make a pick-up appointment by contacting the seller ahead of time and receiving a date AND time confirmation. Buyers who come unconfirmed, without their receipt, or without their ID for validation WILL NOT be able to receive their item(s). All three of these criteria need to be met before the item(s) can be released. It is the BUYER'S obligation to contact the seller; if no contact is made within the 5 day time limit the auction will be forfeited and NO REFUND will be issued.

    ***Buyer must pick up or arrange for all shipping, including providing proper vehicles, equipment and manpower required to pickup and load items (Boxing, Packaging and Shipping, as well, if item is to be shipped)
  4. Pictures and/or Videos and Documents
    - Clear photos must be attached for any auction, including SCRAP.  An unlimited number of photos and documents can be uploaded.
    - Click on "Upload Images and Documents".  
    - Select the completed Surplus of Computer-Laptop-Hard Drive form and upload it to the auction.
    - Select the corresponding picture(s) from your hard drive and click "SAVE".  
    - Rearrange items as needed, following the instructions in this section.  Include close-ups of any defects, and clear close ups of any informational or manufacturer labels (when applicable).

  5. Condition
    - Choose the most appropriate Condition from the drop down box.  When in doubt, undersell and over deliver.

  6. Item Code/Tag
    - Asset/Inventory Tag is entered in this field.  When applicable and possible, tag numbers should always be entered in this section, which is a searchable and reportable field.  During audits, searchable and reportable are key.  
    - If there are multiple tag numbers, use a comma after the number followed by a space and type the next number (ex. 1234, 1235, 1236). If the total number of characters exceeds the field (75 characters), note ‘See Attached’ in the Item Code/Tag field and upload a list, or enter the information in the Description field.  Do not put anything else in this field.  
    - Leave blank if no inventory tags are being reported.

F. Pickup Location and Contact Section

  1. Department - For most users, this field is pre-set.  For users assigned to more than one area:  From the drop down menu, select the "Department" for which you are selling the property.
  2. Pickup Location - From the drop down menu, select the "Pickup Location".  If a pickup location is not listed, refer to Section B: Add a Pickup Location.
  3. Main Contact - The "Main Contact" is automatically populated with the information of the user logged in, and can be changed by clicking "Change Contact".  An "Email Contact" can also be added (they must also be registered on the site) if there is a backup person.

G. Payment Details Section - The tax amount will be defaulted to 6.35%.  Do not change it.  “Tax Exempt” is an option but will rarely, if ever, be used.

H. Quantity - Based on the title, determine quantity.  A Dutch auction is multiple items that can be purchased by different buyers.  In a Dutch auction, every item must be the same (hence same make/model) and in the same condition.

  • Example 1 – Single Item only: Laptop - Dell = Quantity 1
  • Example 2 – Dutch Auction: Laptops - Dell ~ 5 ~ Dutch Auction = Quantity 5 PS Icon - Shoe - Dutch Auction

I. Minimum Bid Amount - Type the "Minimum Bid Amount" in the field.  All items start at $1.00.

J. Reserve Price - Not applicable – Do not enter anything here.

K. Save

  • When all appropriate fields have been completed, click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the page. If a required field has not been completed, a red star will appear next to the field. 
  • When the auction has been saved, there will be a preview of the auction page, and an opportunity to revise or copy from that page. 

L. ‘Held’ Section

The auction will be saved in the "Held" auction section until the auction is released.  DAS State Surplus Program staff review held auctions.  If there is missing or incomplete information, Surplus staff will email the creator of the auction and ask for revisions to the auction.

When all information is complete, DAS Surplus Program staff will release the auction and it will show in the ‘Current’ auction section.

There is no notification when the auction is released.  When the agency has auctions in HELD, check it regularly to ensure revisions are not needed.  If held auctions are now CURRENT, print it (2-sided) and attach the printout to the auction surplus property. This makes it easy to identify the correct auction item(s) during pickup, as well informing agency staff this item is no longer available for agency use, and is not trash for disposal.


To Add Pickup Location (if needed)

  1. Email the DAS Surplus Team
  2. Subject Line:  Public Surplus New Location Request for (Agency Name/Acronym)
  3. Body:  Include all address information, and if there is a specific location contact that is not a Public Surplus user, include the name and email/phone number.

A DAS Surplus Team member will confirm when the location has been added.
