Enterprise Application Hosting and Support

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Where can I learn more about Enterprise Application Hosting and Support?

Enterprise Application Hosting & Support provides app server hosting for DAS BITS apps. The app works with agencies from the beginning of projects to the end.

We will help with the following tasks:

  • Figuring out the architecture's needs
  • Giving tasks to our team to handle different parts of the project
  • Helping the people who make the computer codes for our website
  • Supporting and fixing websites or computer programs, even after we finish the project
  • Making sure everything runs smoothly on the computer system.
  • Putting in new codes to make the website work better
  • Making sure our website is secure and doesn't have any problems.
  • Using software to keep an eye on the computer and get alerts if something is wrong
  • Making sure changes to the project are done carefully and with permission
  • Keep records of how well our website is doing and how many people use it
  • Creating extra things that people might need on our website
  • Supporting and fixing things quickly if there's a problem

You can learn more at Enterprise Application Hosting and Support.

Technology Services and BITS - IT Resources Hosting Services