What is the State Insurance Risk Management Board?

Read time: 6 minutes

We know. Talking about insurance can be boring. But most of our families have relied on insurance in times of trouble – and the same goes for the State. That’s part of the reason we have the State Insurance and Risk Management Board that we lovingly call “SIRMB”. 

SIRMB protects the assets of the State of Connecticut through a comprehensive and cost-effective insurance and risk management program and provides the best insurance and risk management services possible for the State of Connecticut. In other words, they help protect State resources and your taxpayer dollars. 

Some techniques which have been implemented to help reduce the overall cost of risk to the state are large loss review meetings, training sessions for state personnel, property inspections and accident review committee meetings. 


Some of the projects we’re particularly proud of, and which have saved taxpayer’s money this year, are:


  • Worked with the Department of Administrative Services Fleet Operations and the State’s third-party claims administrator to identify automobile and highway liability accident trends and develop training tools to assist in the safe driving habits of State employees.

  • Conducted three Large Loss automobile and highway liability claim reviews.  Provided reserve, settlement authorization and litigation direction to the State’s third-party claims administrator. 


  • Worked with the Department of Administrative Services Procurement Department to develop and issue a Request for Proposal, and entered a three-year contract effective July 1, 2022, for a third-party claims administrator for automobile and highway liability claims management services. 

We could go on and on about insurance, our processes and our techniques, but the most important thing to remember is that there are employees and a board within Connecticut state government that is working tirelessly to protect state assets and to reduce the state’s overall exposure to risk. And that they do this at a reasonable cost! 

DAS is an administrative support agency to many different functions of state government.  The State Insurance and Risk Management Board is just one of many.  We’ll spotlight other boards and commissions through our blog post in the coming months.


We hope this sparks your interest in insurance, but if you only take away  that we’re doing everything we can to protect our resources and operate the State efficiently on behalf of all of our residents – amazing. 

You can find more information about the board, including their meeting information on our State website


Thank you,

Melissa M. Frank, JD | Director of Insurance and Risk Management
Department of Administrative Services
State Insurance & Risk Management Board

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