DAS Continues to up the recycling game at 450 Columbus Boulevard

Read time: 6 minutes

In a previous blog entry, DAS Facilities highlighted their efforts in recycling. On average, the complex recycles approximately 40% to 45% of all material that leaves the facility.

DAS Facilities is upping their game by piloting a composting function to the 450 Columbus Boulevard complex. The office building has partnered with Blue Earth Compost of Hartford. Blue Earth Compost is a food scrap collection service for residents and businesses in Connecticut.

Each break room and kitchen area within 450 Columbus Boulevard have a composting container. Employees add their biodegradable food scraps to the pail and Blue Earth recycles the materials into nutrient-rich compost. What happens to the compost? Who uses it?
Compost Container
With DAS and the Connecticut Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB), working with Blue Earth Compost, the state has diverted 16,400 lbs. of food scraps from the incinerator.

That's enough to offset the emissions from 469 gallons of gasoline - the equivalent of 9,192 pounds of carbon dioxide. That’s also equal to the carbon sequestered by planting 68 trees. What an impact!

Additionally, the food waste can be processed to make organic soil and compost blends, and the methane bi-product can easily be used to make electricity, vehicle fuels, or pipeline gas.

Shining Light on Saving Energy

The DAS 450 Columbus Boulevard complex is also in the process of updating its office lighting. Ceiling lights are being replaced with more energy efficient LED lighting to reduce energy costs.

The LED system will utilize intelligent programming and localized sensors to maximize savings by dimming and turning off fixtures based on usage and available ambient light.

The new system will show a reduction in lighting energy use by approximately 80% with a projected savings of and estimated $150,000 per year resulting in an annual payback within six to seven years.

General Government