Office of the State Fire Marshal

Read time: 6 minutes

 As we recognize and educate on this week’s National Fire Prevention Week which runs from October 10-15, We'd like to introduce the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) which is a dedicated team of professionals responsible for enforcing codes, standards, and regulations to reduce the harm associated with fires, explosions, and mechanical failures.


The office is frequently mentioned whenever there is a fire issue in the state of Connecticut.  But what are the responsibilities of the Office of the State Fire Marshal?  Let’s take a look.


What the Office of the State Fire Marshal does:


  • Manages the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) which gathers data from The Connecticut Fire Departments.

  • Develops Connecticut Fire Safety and Prevention codes and helps town fire marshals in answering questions on the interpretation of these codes

  • Review, assess fire code modifications for approval or denial based on alternate safeguards, where the strict intent of the Fire Safety and Preventions Codes cannot be met.

  • Inspects all state buildings and state construction projects so they are compliant will all state fire codes and regulations.

  • Licensing of demolition contractors, crane operators, hoisting operators, and registration of cranes can all be administered online through the state’s online eLicensing system

  • Assists with Fire Marshal certification and training.

  • Manages the Connecticut Fire-Safe Cigarette program.

  • Manages the Connecticut Burn Injury database

  • Investigates accidents that involve Cranes, Hoisting Equipment and Demolition


How the State Fire Marshal Assists other entities and state agencies:


  • Fire Investigations – a big misconception is that OSFM conducts fire investigations.  The Office of the State Fire Marshal will assist State Police when requested and it is the local fire marshals statutory responsibility to conduct fire investigations in their jurisdiction.

  • Fires that happen on state property are investigated by the local fire marshal’s office.  And is the responsibility of the city or town fire marshal’s office.

  • Licensing of sprinkler and fire alarm systems – this is handled through the Department of Consumer Protection

  • Open burning is handled by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

  • Carnival ride inspection is managed by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and the Department of Consumer Protection.


The Connecticut State Fire Marshal’s office works with a multitude of state agencies and organizations to protect people, property, and the environment from fire and hazardous materials. The office carries out these duties through prevention education, inspections, code enforcement, and preparedness and response activities. 


CT State Fire Marshal Informative