Food Waste Prevention Week 2024

Read time: 6 minutes


This week, our friends at DEEP are celebrating Food Waste Prevention Week with events and information on how we can do our part to reduce food waste, prevent spoilage, and save money in our personal lives. We are happy to support these efforts. 

As you may recall, DAS has implemented an organics and food waste program at its two largest state office buildings, 450 Columbus Boulevard and 165 Capital Avenue, to divert all organic waste to compost bins, which are located on all floors in each break room.  

DAS has contracted with Blue Earth Compost to collect compost weekly. Since implementation, DAS has composted enough waste to mitigate CO2 emissions equivalent to more than 7,000 miles driven by the average car.

It is up to all of us to build on this great work. Please remember to compost your leftover food instead of throwing it in the trash. Some examples of compostable items include:

  • Leftover sandwiches, bread, and all.

  • Any hot leftover meal, including cooked meat, bones, vegetables, starches, and more.

  • Banana and orange peels, and any fruits or vegetables.

  • Tea bags and coffee grounds.

  • Leftover chips.

  • Spoiled food. 


To put it simply: if it ever grew, it goes!


Do Not Compost
Meat and bones

Metal of any kind including aluminum foil

 Shellfish and fish products Plastic of any kind
 Dairy products

Glass of any kind

Eggshells Styrofoam
Vegetable and fruit scraps Cardboard
Pits and peels Plastic gloves
Condiments and speices Candles
Coffee grounds and filters, and tea bags Corks
Flowers, plants, and herbs Gum
Incidental oils and fats Twist ties
Napkins and paper towels Rubber bands
Food soiled papers Disposable mop and cleaning sheets
Uncoated paper plates Hot liquides

General Government