DAS Intern Spotlight on Diarra Sadji

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DAS Intern Diarra Sadji



Diarra Sadji
Sustainability Intern
Department of Administrative Services

1. What do you do?
As a sustainability intern, I assist Ryan Ensling and other members of DAS with multiple projects including the creation of an organics and food waste diversion program, the 2024 DAS legislative summary and others.

2. Why do you work/intern for the State of Connecticut? 
I have been a student worker at the Office of Sustainability at Trinity College for two years and through that experience I was able to observe how a higher education institution operates and their commitments to sustainability and to reduce their environmental impacts. As I was heading towards the end of my college junior year, I felt ready to be part of a bigger organization, that would allow me to observe a higher level of change happening and being part of that process. And how fortunate was I to find the amazing opportunity to intern at the State of Connecticut DAS!

3. What do you love about your job so far?
Although this is my third day of internship, I cannot help but to notice the amount of coordination and solidarity there is between employees at DAS. As a college student, the professional world seems so scary but being in this office truly gives me hope and makes me look forward to my own professional life.

4. What are some of your favorite activities outside of work?
I love singing. In fact, I have already caught myself unconsciously humming in the office from time to time (I am sorry in advance, Ryan haha). I have always loved singing but I truly discovered my passion for it after I have joined the Afrobeats band at Trinity College, Afrovibe Live. I have been in it for two years and became the president of the band this last semester. This band is truly one of the best things that have happened to me ever since I joined Trinity College.

5. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?
Although I rarely get attached to places, I will never trade of anything walking on the corniche in Downtown Dakar in Senegal. I used to walk there on Saturdays with my sister and my cousin and get ice cream from the vendors on the road, the oceanic breeze blowing on our faces. It is the image of walking there, laughing with my sister and my cousin and running around that truly depicts for me what a peaceful moment is.

6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state? 
It seems scary (I was intimated at first) but don’t be! Because you are not alone. There are so many resources and people who can help you get familiar with how things work.

7. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut? 
I unfortunately have not been to many places in Connecticut. However, I have learned to love and cherish Hartford. From Park Street to Downtown to the Connecticut River, the city is full of life and colours, with thriving small businesses and kind people. I also love how diverse this city is, I get to practice my Spanish every time I go to El Mercado or Ctown. Hartford truly feels like a home away from home!

8. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?
If I could choose a superpower, I would want to teleport myself. I am terrified of airplanes, despite having to take them at least twice a year to go visit my family. Not to mention, how much jetlag messes up with my sleep, every time I go home (Italy) I feel like a zombie!

9. Who inspires you and why?
Honestly, I get inspired by each person who shows me the smallest act of kindness.  No matter whether that’s someone holding the elevator for me, a smile at the bus stop, or someone complimenting my outfit (all of these happened to me today). These behaviors make my day and give me hope in a world that can be so ugly.

10. Tell us your favorite fun fact.
I am allergic to lots of things (thankfully not peanut) and one of those things is raw fruits and veggies. Although at times I could get away with some salads, I cannot eat most fruits if they are not cooked or processed. So you know when you enjoy a big piece of watermelon during a hot summer day? I can’t do that. Or when you are eating fresh apples or berries that you just picked (and hopefully washed)? It’s a no no for me☹. My experience with fruits is limited to pies, cans, jams and muffins. And honestly, I am so used to it now that I do not even envy people who can eat raw fruits anymore.

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