DAS Employee Spotlight Yadira Gonzalez

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DAS Employee Spotlight on Yadira Gonzalez

 Yadira Gonzalez

Yadira Gonzalez
Assistant Director of Internal Audit
Department of Administrative Services
Office of Internal Audit Division

1. What do you do?  
I am the Assistant Director of the Internal Audit Division for the Department of Administrative Services.  I oversee the School Construction Unit as well as the Internal Audit Units within the Division.

2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut?
I’ve been a civil servant for over 16 years and 10 of those years was as an auditor with the Auditors of Public Accounts, and I spent 6 years in Federal contract auditing. I have enjoyed the challenging positions I have held through the years.

3. What do you love about your job?  
The challenge of internal audits and working with different departments within the organization. It provides the opportunity to support the agency from within in preparation for external audits.   My motivation comes from the enjoyment of implementing process improvements and creating alternative functions when barriers are encountered.

4. What are some of your favorite activities outside of work?  
Camping, spending time with family and my two German Shepherds.

5. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?  
Honolulu, HI

6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state?
You will never be bored. The state of Connecticut provides many opportunities to learn and grow in your chosen fields.

7. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut?
All the beautifully forested areas in the state. I find them to be the most peaceful places reset.

8. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?
Telepathy because I can provide instructions without speaking.

9. Who inspires you and why?
My mother is the most patient person in the world.

10. Tell us your favorite fun fact.
I share my birthday with my daughter.

Informative General Government