DAS Employee Spotlight Ryan Ensling

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Photo of Ryan Ensling

Employee Spotlight: Ryan Ensling  
Sustainability Manager 
Department of Administrative Services 

  1. What do you do at DAS?  

I am the Sustainability Manager at DAS. I help the agency move forward with our sustainability initiatives through energy efficiency and renewable projects, implementing EV Charging infrastructure, and waste and water conservation measures. I also work on the GreenerGov team to help other state agencies be more sustainable in their facilities. 

   2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut?  

I started out at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) in 2014 and wanted to be part of something that was bigger than me and hopefully make a tiny difference in protecting the environment. Little did I know, I was going to be involved in many initiatives that would have a positive impact on the environment and our climate goals for the state. I get to help implement projects that help reduce our energy and water consumption, reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the quality of state buildings. Now, working at DAS, it allows me to apply and grow my skills on a larger scale across the Executive Branch agencies. This is why I work for the State of Connecticut, to be able to make a difference, whether it’s big or small, every bit counts. 

   3. What is your favorite part of your job?  

I get to work with all state agencies and learn how they operate while helping them become more energy efficient and sustainable through various initiatives the state has to offer. It’s great to help state agencies that need resources in order to implement efficiency measures that will help in the day-to-day operations of their facility. The most rewarding thing about my job is the relationships I've made throughout my time with the state and how fortunate I've been to work with great people that have helped me get to where I am now. I have been able to get to know people, not just on a professional level, but a personal one too. 

  4. What are some of DAS’ sustainability initiatives? 

Some current sustainability initiatives we have going on are:  

  • Upgrades to the Capitol Area System (CAS) Loop that the state recently purchased last fall. The goal is to implement decarbonization measures in the plant and make upgrades to the facilities on the loop. 

  • Electrifying our fleet vehicles to electric vehicles and installing EV chargers at state facilities. DAS will be receiving $35 million in the Governor’s Budget that will go towards the purchase of EV vehicles, installation of EV chargers, and hiring a contractor. 

  • Developing a Decarbonization Plan for all state buildings, in collaboration with DEEP. DAS will be issuing an RFP this year to hire a consultant to assist in the decarbonization plan. 

   5. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled? 

That’s a tricky answer. I’ve been very fortunate to travel a lot in my life, to various places around the world. My wife and I love to travel (she plans everything and I’m along for the ride 😊!) All the places we have been are so different from the others, so I don’t have a favorite. There are things we didn’t get to do in some places, so we would love to go back. This changes all the time, but my top 5 places, in no particular order are probably: Australia, Ireland, Iceland, Aruba, and Italy. We have also traveled to many states. My wife has a goal to see an NFL game in every stadium. We like to visit and explore a city when we go to a game. She’s a Dolphins fan and I am a Patriots fan. 

   6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state?  

Don’t feel like you need to know everything when you start working for the state. It takes a while to learn how things operate and what the policy and procedures are, especially as they can change anytime. Also, you don’t need to know someone that works for the state to get your foot in the door. 

   7. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why? 

I would love to be able to teleport to anywhere I would like to go or maybe fly, or some sort of telekinetic powers. But I think I would choose to be able to talk to animals, so when I'm having a conversation with my cats (yes, I do talk to my cats), they don’t look at me like I have 3 heads and they can understand me when I say stop scratching the furniture. The possibilities are endless! 

   8. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut?  

Any place that has good hiking trails with a great view. Also, the campground my family has gone to since well before I was born. My parents are seasonal there and spend the entire summer there. Brings back happy childhood memories. 

   9.  Who inspires you and why?  

This sounds cliché, but the people I surround myself with. My wife, family, and friends. When I see all the good positive things they are doing; it inspires me to do better things in my life. 

   10. Tell us your favorite fun fact. 

I’ve been skydiving before and would do it again in a heartbeat. I’ve also been on the tallest rollercoaster in the world, which also used to be the fastest rollercoaster too before it was dethroned by one in Abu Dhabi. 

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