DAS Employee Spotlight Brian Green

Read time: 6 minutes

Photo of Brian Green

Brian Green
Director of Internal Audit
Department of Administrative Services

1. What do you do?

This is a brand-new position for the DAS!  I lead a group of experienced Supervisory Accounts Examiners who in turn lead a group of talented Accounts Examiners (in various career stages) in two different and distinct units within the Internal Audit Division:  The School Construction Audit Unit (SCU), and the Internal Audit Unit (IAU).   My role is to establish policies and procedures (what we audit geeks call risk assessments and audit steps!) in order to take on the internal audit function within DAS, as well as continue to lead the SCU in their ever-important mission. 

The SCU will continue to perform its role of ensuring that all costs associated with school construction grant projects are allowable, allocable, and reasonable based on the applicable laws and regulations.  The IAU will look internally at DAS performing various types of audits/engagements:  Operational, Compliance, Financial, Performance, and Forensic audits, as well as any Special Request/Advisory Services that are required or requested.

2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut? 

I have a deep public service motivation.  After spending several years on the Federal side, I come into State service with the intent to set up long-lasting positive relationships within the DAS that allow the Internal Audit Division to carry out this important mission of providing independent, objective, and reasonable assurance services designed to lend positive influence to the DAS, as well as improve the mission, operations, outcomes, and compliance within this expansive state agency.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

Establishing something new is always exciting, and a bit nerve-wracking!  I am extremely motivated to get out of bed every day to be a part of something bigger than myself.  Establishing such an important function for the Department and for the Commissioner is an honor that is difficult to describe.

4. What are some of your favorite activities outside of work?

I love to go on cruises!  It is my all-time favorite vacation.

5. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled?

Anywhere on a cruise ship!  I mean, how bad can your day be??

6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state? 

There are many different job classes and job titles within State service; many require no advanced degrees!  It is a wonderful feeling to give back to your friends, family, and neighbors as a state employee.  There are so many opportunities for growth and promotion.  Great work and benefits aren’t only found in the private sector.  Come join us.  Bring your talents and see what the State can offer you!

7. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut? 

I enjoy Lebanon.  It is a wonderful small farm town.

8. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?

The ability to manipulate time.  There is so much that I’d like to do in my life (still), and time is ticking away quicker and quicker each day.

9. Who inspires you and why?

All of those that speak truth to power; respectfully.  I think that we cannot make meaningful change without the ability to have honest dialogue with each other.

10. Tell us your favorite fun fact.

I am adopted. What a wonderful opportunity to be selected and not expected

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