DAS Employee Spotlight Angela Fuggetta

Read time: 6 minutes

 Picture of Anglea Fuggetta


Angela Fuggetta  
DAS/Mail Handler
Department of Administrative Services

1. What do you do?

I’m a courier driver and a mail handler.  I sort mail at 450 Columbus Boulevard and 79 Elm Street, in Hartford.  I also drive to different state agencies to pick up and deliver mail.

2. Why do you work for the State of Connecticut? 

At the time, I was looking for a full-time job and just starting out.  I had the opportunity to work for DAS/Mail.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

I love a challenge when it comes to sorting mail and finding a home for mail that doesn’t have an agency name.

4. What are some of your favorite activities outside of work?

Spending time with my wife, my dog and my family.

5. Where is your favorite place to that you have traveled?

Topsail Beach, North Carolina

6. What would you tell someone who is interested in working for the state?

Go for it! 

7. Where is your favorite place in Connecticut?

Any scenic location.  Kent Falls, Wadsworth Falls, Essex Stream train and dinner.

8. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be, and why?

If I could choose any superpower, I think I would pick flying.  I would really enjoy how free I would feel and knowing I would have the ability to go almost anywhere – UP! UP! And AWAY           

9. Who inspires you and why?

My parents.  My mother and father were loving parents and had 6 children,  myself being the youngest.  They taught us to be respectful.  Both of my parents retired from the State of Connecticut.  They both would have been thrilled knowing that I’m receiving the DAS Employee Spotlight and that I’m finally retiring.  They are both smiling down from heaven.

10. Tell us your favorite fun fact.

I like looking at the stars, you can call me a stargazer.  I think we still have a lot to discover about our solar system and other planets.

General Government