Project 0103-0278 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Safety Improvements at the intersection of Route 642 and Sturtevant Street in Norwich.

CTDOT held a virtual public information meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 7 p.m.  

The purpose of this project is to replace the existing substandard three-cable guiderail with a MASH compliant rail system and improving the roadway geometry of Route 642 (West Town Street). The horizontal roadway curve will be realigned and reconstructed to meet design standards.

Right-of-way impacts are anticipated which include construction easements, sloping for the safety of the highway, an access easement, and partial sliver acquisitions. 

Construction is expected to start fall 2026, depending on funding, right-of-way acquisition, and permits. The estimated cost is $3 million with 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.


The project location map can be viewed here

The ROW impact plan can be viewed here.

The color plan can be viewed here

The Report of Meeting can be viewed here.

The Presentation Slides can be viewed here.


Members of the public can submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please direct comments and questions by Wednesday, November 27, 2024, to: 

  • (860) 594-2020

Closed captioning will be available. Non-English translation options will be available on Zoom and YouTube. The recording will also be available on CTDOT’s YouTube Virtual Public Information Meeting playlist:

Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling (877) 853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 880 9917 1748. Persons with limited internet access may also request that project information be mailed to them within one week by contacting

Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).

Language assistance may be requested by contacting the CTDOT’s Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109. Requests should be made at least five business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.


Additional Information for Public:

Voluntary Feedback Survey - After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.

DOT Office of Equity – Title VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems