Project 0105-0217 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Project No. 0105-0217, rehabilitation of the Baldwin Bridge (Bridge Nos 06200A & 06200B) in Old Lyme and Old Saybrook.

A hybrid public informational meeting for the project will be held on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Address: Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall, 52 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT 06371 

The purpose of the project is to address the deficiencies found on different elements of the structure and upgrade to a “State of Good Repair” and extend the life of the two structures.

Right-of-way impacts associated with the proposed project are not anticipated.

Construction is anticipated to begin fall 2026 based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permit(s).  The estimated construction cost for this project is approximately $68,175,000. This project is anticipated to be undertaken with 90% federal funds and 10% state funds.


The project documents can be viewed below:


Additional Information for Public

Voluntary Feedback Survey - After the meeting, we hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.

DOT Office of Equity – Title VI Program

MS-4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems