Connecticut State Rail Plan


The 2022-2026 Connecticut State Rail Plan was developed in compliance with the federal Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, Public Law 110-432. This plan was formally accepted by the Federal Railroad Administration in January 2023.

The State Rail Plan contains Connecticut’s mission, vision, and values for rail transportation’s role in an intermodal network. It provides an overview and inventory of the passenger and freight rail system and facilities in Connecticut, the services provided, and asset conditions and constraints. It aims to support Connecticut’s role in developing a growing, interconnected rail system with adjoining states and to advance high-speed, intercity and freight investments in the region.

The State Rail Plan updates strategies and programs focused on ensuring that the existing passenger and freight rail infrastructure is maintained in a state of good repair, and includes short and long term investments aimed at maximizing the potential of current and future rail services. Furthermore, the State Rail Plan outlines programmed and proposed projects, including costs and associated public benefits.

The State Rail Plan was updated with input from with a variety of stakeholders, including passenger and freight rail operators, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), neighboring state DOTs, the Connecticut Commuter Rail Council (CCRC), and the general public. The plan was developed throughout 2021 and 2022, with an initial round of virtual kickoff meetings in Summer 2021 and a public legislative hearing in Fall 2022. Throughout the entire rail plan process, CTDOT received critical input that is reflected in the 2022-2026 CT State Rail Plan.

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Connecticut State Rail Plan:

The 2022-2026 Connecticut State Rail Plan and its Executive Summary was submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for review on November 30, 2022. The FRA formally accepted the Connecticut State Rail Plan on January 18, 2023.

The former Connecticut State Rail Plan can be viewed here: Connecticut State Rail Plan 2012-2016

Virtual Public Room:

CTDOT created the CT State Rail Plan Virtual Room which provides information pertaining to the 2022-2026 CT State Rail Plan.

Public Hearing:

CTDOT presented an overview of the Draft State Rail Plan at a public hearing with the Joint Committees on Transportation and Finance, Revenue and Bonding of the Connecticut General Assembly on September 30, 2022.
