Project 58-307 Interstate 95 Safety Improvements Towns of Groton, Stonington, and North Stonington


State Project No. 58-307

Federal-Aid Project No. IM-0954(103) For PE

Interstate 95 Safety Improvements

Towns of Groton, Stonington, and North Stonington


Scope of work

The project consists of guiderailing, bridge parapet, and illumination improvements on Interstate 95 from the Gold Star Bridge in Groton to the Rhode Island State line.  Also included in this project are the short term improvements identified in the Departments’ I-95 Branford to Rhode Island Corridor Feasibility Study.  Further information regarding acceleration/deceleration lane interchange improvements can be found in the links in the plans section below.




Richard B. Armstrong
Principal Engineer, Consultant Design
Phone: 860-594-3191



Meeting and Information