Project 0134-0148 Webpage

Welcome to the webpage for Project 0134-0148, Rotary Upgrade to a Modern Roundabout in the Town of Stafford.


STAFFORD – State Project 0134-0148 will increase the safety and efficiency at the intersection of Route 190 at Route 32 by upgrading the existing rotary to a modern roundabout.  The features of a modern roundabout will improve safety and efficiency by decreasing entering speeds, separating conflict points, and reducing driver confusion.  It should be noted that the State Project abuts the Town Park on Main Street, between 8 Main Street and Spring Street, the impacts to the park will be minimal (de minimis) in nature as the aforementioned upgrades will be constructed mostly within the State right of way.    

Traffic Easements are required from the Town on the Park property which will encompass only the area necessary for the replacement of the existing roadway warning signs and traffic appurtenances. No additional signs are proposed. These activities will not adversely affect any of the features of the park.  The impacts to the park will be limited to the ground disturbance necessary for the replacement of existing traffic appurtenances with new equipment.  It is anticipated that the Park will remain open during construction. 

See plan view here.

Residents, business owners, and other interested individuals may contact the Project Manager, Mr. Michael Cherpak via email at or by phone at 860-594-3155 with any questions, comments, or concerns by Wednesday November 24, 2021. 


A Virtual Public Information Meeting (VPIM) was held for the project on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

recording of that meeting can be viewed here: 
Project 134-148 Virtual Public Meeting 7/29/21

The recording of that event will also be archived at the Virtual Public Information Meeting Video Library. Scroll down on that page to find the video. (Coming soon)

The Report of Meeting can be viewed here

In addition to the video, additional information on the project can be found by opening this link: Project Description Plan

The project overview plan can be viewed at the following link: Display Documents

The public comment period is open through Thursday, August 12, 2021. If you would like to leave a comment or ask a question, please send us an email or leave a voicemail within the comment period. The project email and phone will be open to receive comments or questions through the comment period.


Phone: (860) 944-1111 (Please be sure to reference the project in your voicemail.)

Other Information Available to the Public:

We hope you’ll take a few extra minutes to fill out our brief survey.  Thank you!


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