State of Connecticut Long-Range Transportation Plan


2018 Connecticut Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) submitted its 2018 Long-Range Transportation Plan (Plan) to FHWA and FTA in March of 2018. The Plan was prepared in pursuant to U.S. Code Title 49, Section 5304, and U.S. Code Title 23, Section 135. The Plan is available by clicking the link below


What is the Long Range Transportation Plan?

The Plan is a federally mandated policy document that outlines strategies and actions for addressing transportation issues and needs in Connecticut.   It will serve as a framework for preparing future, project-specific transportation plans such as CTDOT’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The Plan is generally updated every three to five years. This Plan covers the period from 2018 through 2050.


Why Update the Long Range Transportation Plan?

Over time, changes occur in transportation needs, travel behavior, methods used to manage traffic, and the ability to pay for transportation system maintenance and improvements. The Plan is an important step toward reassessing Connecticut’s policies for addressing our State’s current and future mobility needs. It provides the framework for prioritizing Connecticut’s transportation projects and programs.

Click here to view a copy of the Final Plan

Click here to view a copy of the Public Meeting Presentation.



2009 Long-Range Transportation Plan (2009 LRP)

Use the Hyperlinks below to view the Final 2009 LRP, the Draft 2009 LRP, the informational brochures on the Draft 2009 LRP, press releases, PowerPoint presentations and other information pertaining to the statewide 2009 LRP.

Informational Brochure

Letter – 8-1/2in x 11in (pdf 345 kb)

Tabloid – 11in x 17in (pdf  212 kb)


Press Releases (To be posted as issued)

Press Release Issued March 11, 2009

Press Release Issued April 14, 2009


Public Informational Meeting Materials

PowerPoint Slide Presentation on 2009 LRP  (pdf 7.57 mb)



List of LRP Reference Documents  (pdf 17 kb)

Summary Lists of Key Points & Recommendations in Reference Documents  (pdf 37 kb)



2007 Listening Session Materials

Informational Brochure

Letter – 8-1/2in x 11in  (pdf 76 kb)

Tabloid – 11in x 17in  (pdf 75 kb)



Opportunities for Public Input  (pdf 23.5 kb)

Reference Materials: Other Pertinent Documents  (pdf 37 kb)

Input, Ideas, & Comments  (pdf 665 kb)
(Interactive Form with E-mail Submit Button)


Study and Project Lists & Mapping

Strategic Corridor Planning Studies  (pdf 297 kb)

Major Capital Projects – Bus & Rail  (pdf 218 kb)

Major Capital Projects – Highways  (pdf 246 kb)



2004 Long-Range Transportation Plan (Final Plan)


Lower Resolution Version of Plan with Graphics  (pdf 1.9 mb) - Designed for web viewing

Text-Only Version  (pdf 212 kb) - Designed without any graphics or complex formatting

Higher Resolution Version of Plan with Graphics  (zip 17 mb) - Designed to download for printing on legal size paper, preferably double-sided to accommodate layout