An ongoing challenge with the design of the Merritt Parkway Improvement Projects has been the balance between preservation and rehabilitation of the historic designed landscape and the necessity for a safe roadway consistent with modern safety standards.  Development and implementation of special design standards are what now encompass "the Merritt Parkway treatment" and are to be used throughout the entire length of the Merritt Parkway. The following are the notable specially designed features:
Merritt Parkway Guiderail
Merritt Parkway Guiderail - A steel-backed timber guiderail system. This type of rail is also now installed on New York State parkways.
Curbing - A single unit concrete curb and gutter system is installed along the median.
Merritt Parkway Concrete Barrier Curb
Merritt Parkway Concrete Barrier - Striated concrete for locations requiring rigid barrier.
CTDOT Standard Sheets  - Merritt Parkway Guiderail & Concrete Barrier (pdf)