Contract Management
AASHTOWare Project
AASHTOWare Project is a web-based program consisting of several modules designed to meet state agency transportation needs. The construction contract is electronically managed in a standardized format, providing a collaborative environment and allowing the agency to make data-driven decisions related to its construction program in real time. This system creates a consistent, integrated view of the construction management process, enabling agencies to manage information throughout the entire project lifecycle.
AASHTOWare Project Estimation User Guides and Templates
Direct Project and Cost Estimate Creation
Estimator Project Import and Cost Estimate Creation
Excel Cost Estimate Import/Export Process
Excel Cost Estimate Project Entry Template
AASHTOWare Project Modules
(Highway Construction Cost Estimation) (Labor Compliance Activities)
(Proposal, Letting and Award System) (Construction Management System)
(Electronic Bidding System) (Data Warehouse & Decision Support)

Infotech Products
(Bid Exchange Service)