The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing road reconstruction will occur on Route 161 (Flanders Road) in East Lyme starting September 3, 2024. Please be advised that roadwork on Route 161 will occur between September 3, 2024, through November 30, 2024. Project activities will include full-depth reconstruction from Industrial Park Road to King Arthur Drive, and then from Frontage Road to the entrance of Walgreens as well as the new intersection at the entrance to Costco on Frontage Road.
Motorists are advised that due to the significant raising of Route 161, approximately 2 feet in some locations, this work is planned to occur over night-time work shifts. During the daytime hours, 500-foot sections of the roadway will be gravel for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. Traveling on these gravel sections may cause traffic to move slower than usual.
The purpose of the project is to correct the vertical geometry of I-95, replace the I-95 bridge over Route 161, and construct new on and off ramps at Exit 74. CTDOT Project No. 0044-0156 was awarded to Manafort Brothers at a cost of $148,000,000 on February 1, 2023.
CTDOT is working to inform motorists and residents of current and upcoming construction activities through press releases, travel alerts, social media, project newsletters, as well as the project website, If you have any questions related to construction, please contact us at