The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that temporary ramp closures at Interstate 95 Northbound (NB) and Southbound (SB) between Exits 57 and 58 on April 25, 2022.
The project will consist of fine milling and ultra-thin bonded polymer-modified asphalt paving at the following locations:
- Guilford, I-95 NB and SB
- Branford, Route 1 from Route 139 (North Branford Road) to Route 22 (Notch Hill Road)
- Fairfield, Route 135 from Route 1 (Post Road) to Route 58 (Black Rock Turnpike)
DOT Project No. 0173-0523 was awarded to Tilcon Connecticut at a cost of $8,105,127.75 on March 25, 2022 and is scheduled to be completed October 21, 2022. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven.
There will be ramp closures for I-95 NB & SB at Exits 57 and 58 from April 26to May 6, 2022, Monday through Friday from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Traffic will be directed to take the following detours:
For I-95 SB Exit 57 Off Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto I-95 SB Exit 56, then onto I-95 NB On ramp, and finally onto I-95 NB Exit 57.
For I-95 SB Exit 57 On Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto US. Route 1, then onto Route 77, and finally onto I-95 SB On ramp.
For I-95 NB Exit 57 Off Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto I-95 NB Exit 58, then onto I-95 SB On ramp, and finally onto I-95 SB Exit 57.
For I-95 NB Exit 57 On Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto US. Route 1, then onto Route 77, and finally onto I-95 NB On ramp at Exit 58.
For I-95 SB Exit 58 Off Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto I-95 SB Exit 57, then onto I-95 NB On ramp, and finally onto I-95 NB Exit 58.
For I-95 SB Exit 58 On Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto Route 77, then onto US Route 1, and finally onto I-95 SB.
For I-95 NB Exit 58 On Ramp, traffic will be detoured onto Route 77, then onto US Route 1, and finally onto I-95 NB.